High school football?
High school football?
Little League World Series
And how the goalie has already mastered the art of berating his defenders.
There wasn’t a single good camera angle of that goal
#lolMets, #lolBrowns,..., #lolUSMNT?
actually the staff has advised me to “never tweet”
Yes, I think Barry’s going after the Browns Exclusionary Principle, that says a competent QB can never occupy the Browns’ huddle
This will end poorly.
“I’m feelin’ uncomfortable Mike, now, I’m gonna split okay?” - Macaulay Culkin
Great article as always.
Buddy, whatever else I might be, one thing I absolutely am not is “well-credentialed.”
The ability to sense heat and cold is the greatest cause of destructive human behavior because if you forget the password for your bank’s mobile app, and anyway there was an oil spill and who cares about fucking Pluto in the first place? No wonder Lindsay Lohan hasn't made any movies in a long time. It's hot and cold…
and in a more cold-blooded way, think, “How can I help other people?”
Here’s why empathy can be a bad thing. Empathy is why people want me to see a doctor when I tell them that the recipe guy from the Hulk Hogan Sex Video site is a deeper and more critical thinker than Yale psychology and cognitive science professor Paul Bloom.
These guys figured out this one weird trick. Neurologists hate them!
I hope this works. If the NFL can reduce kickoff returns by 5-10% then football will be a safe sport.
Bunk and McNulty aggree.
Bushmills? That’s protestant whiskey!