
programming sucks... network engineering is the way to go

@Godroid: "The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution" thats freaking awesome..... i wanna work at google sooooo bad

poor ibm t23.... i still have one of those, runs linux mint good

@crikerat: on window7, goto remove programs, there should be link that says turn windows features on/off. inside there is option to enable telnet services.

@DarthSnuggles: eat your heart out, stupid rusted metal box.....

@Xer0Ph0kus: he is gonna shoot himself.... most logical thing to do, stock market crashes and nuclear explosions require same solution(suicide)

that is freaking awesome!!! pwned!

@junior ghoul: and if you click on his name... you get this "yourbadsecurityisapaininmyass has no friends." lol

@ohnoitsaspider: im sure the US government has the resources to hack gawker media as well......

@ohnoitsaspider: im sure the US government has the resources to hack gawker media as well......

@Sea.Alex: Wow, im sorry if i offended you. Just thought everyone disliked obama as much as we do... Wasent trying to make threats or anything.

@Sea.Alex: except i live in canada :P

@grem28: In Soviet Russia the plants get harvested by the portable vodka still...

anyone ever hear of screenshot? oh, and this is the awesomest thing ive ever seen to name a router... im plugging my spare in right now just to mess with people :)

its so we walk "around" the earth instead of falling off... duh

"this gate's plastic!"