
thats when this comes out of the gun locker and gets loaded with rock salt.... let the games begin :)

@pagan_god: cool, you have 2 ipads... can i have one? :P

@Andrew Wyatt: end of third paragraph: " intruders had planted a file on one of their Sony Online Entertainment servers named "Anonymous" with the words "We are Legion.""

flankenzie! flankenzie!

this site is crap, you click on hyperlink 'Brando' in article(tweet...) and it links you to same bloody article, and im pretty sure the guys who are selling the stupid lock usb thing know its not secure, they do not advertise it once that security is a feature... Does this Adrian Covent person believe that everyone

all 6? I see only 4....

@gary_7vn: more like some fool gave an iPad with a twitter app to a monkey

@pixelsnader: chrome and safari both score 100/100 as well

@MikeK: and when i finally find article on other site all i get is a 404 error

that is exactly what I did on Saturday.... Brand new unit, Apple has the best customer support ever

@Caturday Yet?: same, my home button is a bit glitchy too so ill get that fixed after 4.3 update...

nice fucking post giz.....

@klydon35: so is linux one, get soo many updates every day

@JACrazy: rofl, poke poke get up man....

this reminds me of skiing in Tribes 2...

@Rabinowitz: do you actually use an HP Vectra? cuz it looks old as hell... and i have 2 words for your case lock: Dremel Tool....

@Super_Pickle: in layman's terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out...