
Who has a 14th century mindset?


How about look more closely at the demographic that’s pulling these terrorist shenanigans, and do something about that? Trucks, knives, guns, etc. can’t be used as a weapon if we start looking at who’s using them as such.

I’m not arguing in favor of Trump or against Obama’s fitness. But honestly his foreign policy was definitely a weakness of Obama’s. The line-drawing regarding Syria was obviously not a good move/bluff. be fair I’ve lost track of where I’m supposed to stand on Russia anymore, but his response to the Crimea

The danger you list is to an institution, not to lives. The EU was always going to struggle in its existence between an economic bloc and unified supranational state. And it is under attack as much by the far left as it is by the far right.

Way for these terrorists to teach “comfortable people” a needed lesson!

It seems that radical Islamism has proven to be a far greater threat in Europe than islamophobia and xenophobia.

Oh, God, shut up.

I don’t know if this will make you feel better or not, but Christmas Markets in major European cities have been high-profile targets of terror attacks for a long time. It was bound to happen at least once, law of averages and all. They’ve stopped enough plots on Christmas Markets at this point that one was bound to

People with a mindset stuck in the 14th Century cannot live with the rest of us. But Merkel will rather sue Facebook for hate speech then save their own citizens from terrorists.

I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

Is this level of vitriol towards Sex and the City chick really warranted? I dunno, I just heard a mom talking about her kid...

Waiting for someone to explain the snark re: Kristin Davis.

Wait—I’m a troll? Since when?

While I can’t even pretend to know the truth in this case, neither can anyone else who isn’t directly associated with the case. Therefore, I find the title of this article misleading and biased and the article full of logical fallacies like post hoc ergo propter hoc assuming that because Trump was elected that people

Considering this is the same site that thought the Rolling Stone story was true, you might want to wait a bit before assuming this girl is telling the truth. You idiots don’t have a great track record of recognizing obvious bullshit— and that’s because you want people to be victims, since it validates your worldview.

Well we have proof that the beaten Trump supporters in these videos weren’t lying about their attacks, but has anyone been arrested? Not that I know of. Violence seems to be legal if you’re a Democrat.

Does it usually make the news when the police think someone somewhere might have filed a false report? This is absolute madness!

Now playing

She was lying. This doesn’t shock anyone with a double digit IQ.