
I always love the transition that happens when taking a critical look at the teachings of the muslim religion, somehow Christianity enters the conversation. Not a great argument or transition. Christians hold up signs and beg you to turn with them, muslims chop off your head.

Now how long ago was that puritanical dress code enforced? A few years ago? Ten? NO? Interesting comparison. We live in a time where we can land remotely on Mars and are beginning to understand epigentics. Yet you sit in your little bubble and justify women having to be covered to avoid harassment in their own county

Or just an accurate view of backward progressive logic regarding Islam.

I wish I could star you more than once.

Or a statement of fact, depends on what you see first.

Whereas muslim scholars admit that ISIS is very Islamic.

KKK isn’t a religious organization, but thanks for playing!

It is not a theocratic state. That is a ridiculous accusation.

Uhhh. What. Communist Russia and China absolutely were atheist. Did you miss that “religion is the opiate of the masses” Marx-ism? You obviously missed the thousands of religious figures killed by those regimes.

No thanks. Do you respect the culture of the KKK too?

respect the culture? are you fucking insane?

Bibi is not a religious leader, and the Israeli occupation is not a religious war. It’s really depressing that you, supposedly a Jew, cannot tell the difference.

Thank you. I get sick of this “respect the culture” when the culture is clearly horrible.

This is a bullshit false equivalency. Majority Christian countries mostly led by Christians have created the most free societies in the history of the world. The only shitty Christian countries are in the severely undeveloped world. Atheists on the other hand gave us the USSR and China. Don’t be so reductive. Also

There have to be limits to "respect the culture". You can argue that her cultural practices hurt no one. That is arguable but a debate can be made. You can argue that it simply a way of dressing since she lives in the US so no one can force her to dress that way. However the argument that you should respect something

I would argue it's very unlikely this is how she would choose to live if she had modern Western freedom.

She pretty damn clearly isn't.

Nope. Orthodox jews are annoying, but they only oppress their own— they’re not demanding that the rest of the world follow their laws or be beheaded/raped/tortured/killed. False equivalency.

shake hands with male referees and travel without a male guardian