
I think there’s room for Arya to consider what’s next for her after bagging the ultimate kill. I could even see the Hound being the one to show Arya the perils of letting revenge consume you. Of course, none of that narrative work actually happened on screen.

Wife: How was the episode?

The scorpions were only as accurate and powerful as the plot needed them to be.

“When he opens his mouth it’s a vacuous hole: There’s little room for a brain or anything else.”

One, King’s Landing is now inexplicably located in a desert

Given that those things hit hard enough to hole a ship through and through, I’m convinced that Cersei’s pet maester has perfected a mass driver, and just put the arms on the things so people wouldn’t ask if the humming noise was something to be worried about.

Yeah, this was clearly a combination of David and Dan receiving a bullet point from Martin, having Star Wars money so they don’t need to do this shit any more, and just deciding to phone it in.

I think it’s time to admit Euron is the greatest military mind in Westeros just for the fact that he scouts out the area prior to battles.

I justify it to myself by thinking the dragon had been weakened by the battle with the ice dragon and was more vulnerable. Then again, if that’s the case, then Danny’s even dumber for not taking time to recover in Winterfell before she marched.

If the evolution of your beliefs results in you becoming natural allies with the worst of humanity, it might be time to give those beliefs a hard look.

You’d think that losing one dragon and almost losing another would make the “Dragon Queen” super careful about her military flying assets. So she went for a joyride above enemy territory of course. Drogon should just eat her and fly away back to Essos.

I haven’t been watching these behind the scenes vignettes, but I respect the degree to which D&D appear to be mailing it in. 

Or she's glad the princess doesn't have a boyfriend

I agree her tweet didn’t callout Israel, but I think she should have. A sister site to this one (Gizmodo, I think) reported that Israel bombed a building it had identified as the source of a cyberattack the other day.

But somebody else got raped in the books and it was an important part of Theon’s character and Weiss and Benioff just thought it was super important to get those character beats in as best they could, but reintroducing Jeyne Poole just seemed really complicated and the Vale is boooooring so let’s just swap Sansa in

Hey! My favorite topic ever, Candace Owens!

The whole scene has no reason to exsist in the story. I get that it’s in character for The Hound to react to Sansa’ assault like he does but as a whole all the scene really seems to accomplish is for the writers to imply that the whole reason she’s this badass political player is because she was raped.

Creepier? Eh, maybe. More true to the source material? Absolutely.

I wonder if this will be enough for Labour to get off their asses and stop with this “Let Brexit happen, blame chaos on Tories, regain power, rule over the irradiated wasteland of the UK” plan that has been doomed to fail from the jump?