
He promoted his church in an interview. Not Christianity in general, his church, which points people in that direction to get that special brand of discriminatory religion. A week ago no one cared where he went to church, he put this spotlight on them 

How long was the affair going on? Does it predate the rise of Trump? If so, then there wouldn't be much reason for it. Bezos wasn't really on anyone's radar politically (except as a donor) before Trump decided he was an enemy.

For some reason I've never really imagined lesbian women voting for Trump. Rich gay white men, yes, whiteness, maleness and rich-ness are all great insulation from consequences. I guess I'll have to recalibrate my views a little.

Hes a gay man who supports Trump. He's already betraying himself, what a little familial betrayal on top?

Dude, you did not see that on your 2004 standard definition TV, no matter how big it was. Her breast was onscreen for less then a second. If you saw it, it's cause you went looking for pictures from pro photographers who were at the event.

Probably did it for possible sequel titles. Alita: Age of Ultron of whatever.

... and I thought X-Men lore was complicated.

So did Darkseid mean to send Batman back in time, or was this something that he Batman-ed up? Have the Omega beams ever done that before? I thought they tell killed the hell out of you.

Is using Twitter the only prereq for being AOC?

Its not all just Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, there's a pretty wide range or stuff out there. Just like Bojack Horseman is an animated show that is in no way aimed at kids, there is anime that isn't either.

He'll end up like the girl who took get graduation pictures on campus with a rifle, with a conservative news job.

Seriously? We’re doxing high schoolers? They're little shits, but that's not gonna make them better people, even if seeing him punched in the face would be SO satisfying.

A friend posted an article like a week ago about all those kids who signed purity pledges when that was a thing in the 90's. You are not alone in your experiences.

Theres the content of the sketch and what 90% of people remember about the skit. The latter probably boils down to just "I wanna piss on you"

Wy doesn't Sofia Boutella get more work? She's a decent actor, has the physicality to do stunts (or at least look like she could). She's front and center of every advertising campaign on any project she does, but is never actually gets a starting role (No, the Mummy doesn't count).

If it was open world, I assume it would be original characters. They’ve got bioware(not sure if there would be any rights issues with those characters since they were bioware creations), and the Disney license, there no reason they couldn’t do something in the KotOR era.

Part of their strategy is keeping other companies from making money. Even if they don’t actually make a Star Wars game, another studio releasing one could overshadow the release of one of EA’s games. A few good games came.out around the same time as Witcher III, and some made their sales later, some didn't.

Thats if he gets impeached. If he somehow survives his term, they go full Reagan and name every thing that isn't nailed down after him.

And, depending on he loan schedule, full coverage might pay off the rest of the car if she's lucky. It won't give her the full value of the car when she bought it.

I'm not familiar with the right time, but if she cosplays full-time, then her income probably isn't  super consistent. Spikes during con season and then much lower during the off season. That probably doesn't lend itself to more expensive insurance options.