Do we think he's an alcoholic? I mean, he seems to like beer... a lot. Even functional alcoholics usually end up having health problems around this age, right?
Do we think he's an alcoholic? I mean, he seems to like beer... a lot. Even functional alcoholics usually end up having health problems around this age, right?
I bailed after the Glenn stunt, convinced myself to catch up for the finale, which I never watched, because I just didn't care anymore.
Seriously, these things need more action to appeal to modern audiences. I demand the addition a sword duel category.
“what happened to civility is politiiiiiiics" on repeat for the next month
There was an article I read a while back, done even remember where it was, but it wasn't that seniors vote more, it's that the one who have an easier time voting tend to live longer, becoming a larger percentage of the voting block. Poor or a minority, who has a harder time getting to the poll, chances are you'll die…
It should have, but apparently there is now an exception if you're white and just SO passionate.
The only bright side I can find is that alcoholics don't tend to stay function much past Kavanaugh's age.
HHo do you get into the Senate and be to much of a coward to cast “the deciding vote”.
Dont you know that laws only count for poor people?
W know exactly who wiped out his debt, The Heritage Foundation. They gathered the list of potential nominees, and there was no way they would let something like a gambling and/or drinking problem get in the way of someone they spent years grooming for this.
She started when she was young and built up a resistance to batshittery.
Een if the drug was Ambien?
It wasn’t even the screaming and crying that got me, we’re used to that from these guys. If was the huffy way he slouched in his chair afterward, like a middle schooler who’s just been punished by their parents. That “I hate you, but I have to sit here and take it, but I’m gonna go up to my room, play loud music and…
All of that sounds great when you're someone who will burn down your own house just to say you beat the "liberals". Deny truth, fuck up the economy and environment, put children in cages, none of it matter except that they other side opposed it, and couldn't stop your side from doing it.
When they said she was from Maricopa County I wondered how closely connected to Arpaio she was. Why did they choose someone who would automatically remind people of a super racist sheriff, who didn't investigate sexual assaults? Would no other woman agree to do it?
He's an Alpha douche who never learned to read a speech without pause every line. Don't they usually require public speaking classes somewhere in law programs? And isn't reading statements kind of a big part of lawyering and judging? What has this guy been doing for the past 20 years?(aside from being a general…
Des he ever wear a ring? She was on Fox News with him like, two days ago. If time gone from tv appearances to losing rings that fast then some shit must be going down.
He’s a comedian? All I knew until now was that her was dating Ariana Grande and apparently had shitty tattoos. I assumed he was in a band or something.
The Fox news crowd will eat it up. “She yelled incoherently at the witness and didn’t allow the witness to answer any questions, this obviously means Pirro won the hearing.”
Most studios use up their staff and then throw them out, its just usually done on a smaller scale, and based on the game development schedule.