
So the parents in Jurassic World were modeled after your parents, except they couldn’t be bothered to find some dinosaurs for you to hang out with to soften the blow.

Note to self: Never fight someone who when they punch you, the effects can be seen on the other side of your face.

I think it’s a Netflix release, unless something has changed. All the major studios turned him down, and I don’t know that netflix would want a theatrical release for their original content.

Watching Itano Circus, I have to wonder what kind of tracking system those missiles have. They can follow a target, but also avoid 60 other missiles streaming towards the same target. I wonder if sending 100 Google self driving cars at a moving target would have a similar effect.

How insecure do you have to be for this?

She’s had two or three lines in each movie. Speaking parts, but she could be cut out and the plot of any of the movies would barely be affected. That’s almost worse than not having a black lady with a speaking part in my opinion.

Am I the only one who thinks of Hillary Clinton is the Mitt Romney of the left? She’s got name recognition, record and backing at be electable, but not many people like her that much. She’s the default Democrat candidate, not the one people actually want.

Since it was all at once, you'd be a mass murderer. Spree killers would be any woman who has a regular cycle. I'm not sure where women with irrefular cycles fall into this though.

She never bought it, but they found that she had done searched on how to buy it. They found no trace of the drug in her system, but used the fact that she had done those searches as evidence that she purposfully ended the pregnany.

He’s not drugging them though, and I think that’s the big difference. Unless you’re a frat dudebro, you can’t justify drugging models (offering them drugs is probably still kosher though). He’s using his position to pressure models into whatever he’s in the mood for that day, which gives magazines and such an out.

50 days comes out to one day a week. Maybe more at certain times of year and less in others, but 1 day a week one average. Then you have to take travel time into account. Its not like every shoot is in the same place.

Watch the movie, it will make you like the song more. Without the context its repetative and annoying, but once you see the movie it'll make you smile every time you hear it.

That guy isn't even doing anything. Just walking down the street and the game makes you beat him? They were obviously aiming for realism.

Why is the internet not always filled with Dune references?

The 16 yr old girl is way past the age where autism would present itself. What exactly does her mother think is going to happen? This is proof that these parents aren't afraid of autism or toxins, but are simply anti-science*. There is literally no way the vaccine could harm her, at this age, in the way that

I'm surprised that doctors haven't started refusing to see families that refuse to vaccinate. Maybe they loose a couple families, but the remaining ones would appreciate it. Hell, they might even get more customers if they advertise that they aren't interested in spreading measles to their entire patient list.

But Destiny is just so fetch!

Except she's not using her salary to advance it. None of her personal money is going into this, just taxpayer funds, which, if it passes, will then be used to defend it when it's challenged in court.

Those guns aren't for you. They're for the fine, upstanding, white Christian men of the nation to fight against governmental tyranny.

Honestly, the first thing I wondered when I saw this, was how often do snipers get called in for black people? Maybe I'm just stereotyping, I kind of assumed that white people were Mose likely to be hostage takers or create standoff where snipers would be called in. In which case not only is it shitty their shooting