
They just released a new book, The Masked Empire, that is much more "The Game" related. It takes place about the same time as Asunder, but follows Empress Celene.

Pharrell is still wearing that hat? He didn't get the hint after the Oscars? Give it up man, no one else will ever think that hat is cool.

They're making it all of it overseas, where movies with simpler plots that non-native English speakers can easily follow do very well.

Russell Brand? He was only famous/popular for like a year, how does he make the list?

My first thought whenever Sex selective abortion laws are brought up isn't abuse by the state, but by abusive or religious relatives/husbands. I'm not sure at what point in gestation the cut off for abortions is in South Dakota, but we can be sure that it will take longer than that for an allegation Sex selective

I've never seen her speak before, so maybe someone else could tell me. Does she always sound like she's doing storytime for small children, or was it just because she has that low of an opinion of her audience?

I was a bit iffy on getting this game due to the torture in the trailer, but now I'm definitely not playing it. photo-realistic torture and audio rape are apparently where I draw the line. Who knew.

Could this difference in Buying practices have something to do with pay gaps, and glass ceilings? If less women are making the type of money needed to buy a Ferrari, It might affect the number who do.

The entertainment industry is only concerned with how badly someone acts if it results there are images the media can put out. It also helps if the victim is famous.

And the fireworks are the lowest level her powers have. If they had spent like 5 minutes helping her get over the fear of her powers she would be one the most powerful people on the team.

'eh, This is DC. They far they've thought Wonder Woman was to "tricky" to bring to screen. I wouldn't be surprised if then pick someone model thin out of fear that no one will want to see a muscular woman on screen to 2 hrs.

I thought it might be someone's failed attempt to make a golem.

It's a crossbow

This is the only part of the performance that I have a problem with, because it was played completely for the camera while ignoring the few thousand people behind her that are actually there for the performance.

Not by US law, no, but they're not in the US. She could not by US law rule a city-state either, but she does it, not to long after. To the point that, in R.R. Martin Land, she could give consent, she did. Take into account this is a land where as soon a girl has her first period she is considered a woman, and able

All I could think during those climbing scenes was, Mirrors Edge did it better.

as irishish stated, the state should not be saying that a woman cannot wear what she wants. Only make it safe for them NOT to if teh CHOOSE to. What you are saying is that any woman who dresses in this fashion has been forced to by brainwashing, ie being taught that it is part of her religion since an early age. I

I was at Northwood for a year during Elementary while they rebuilt Pinecrest. Never really got a chance to explore since it was 3rd grade, but it does seems like that would be a cool building to explore.

It's only 13 yrs old, and its the home of two magnet programs, so they can get funding to keep it clean and the equipment up to date. I liked the old building better though, so much more to explore in a 60-ish yr old building than a brand new one.

This is her first adventure, so as of this game is just a wealthy heiress who shipwrecked and washed up on a island. Why would you expect her to be anything but a soft looking woman from the street?