
I miss Homeworld. I DEMAND another Sequel.

How much do a few drug studies cost? They didn't create the drug, they did the studies to get it approved, maybe there was some extra cost for setting up production. Was this company dispensing the drug before? Regardless, I don't see how even with those extra cost the price for consumers needs to jump that high.

@dragonfliet: I think moving it is actually the easy part. You just need a tube with charged sides and magnets to move the anti-matter along it. I hesitate to call it a particle accelorator, because we don't want to accelorate our anti-matter to super high speeds. We just want to move the the anti-matter in a way

My PS3 died a couple weeks ago. Sent it into Sony, and they've fixed it and it's on it's way back to me now. Cost $130 since the Warrenty is long gone, but that's still cheaper than a totally new system.

I'm pretty sure the banks all paid back what the Gov. loaned them. Obama was actually criticized for letting them pay it back as fast as they did because the debt would have allowed the gov more leverage over the large banks.

@OrbitalGun: But we wouldn't send them down naked. We'd give them something that could stop/slow the acid from killing them.

I like the Darkspawn blood theory better. I'd rather believe that my games and anime are being made by bad-ass Grey Wardens then depressed, overworked, corporate minions.

Really? VIII?

That makes it even worse! I just want a PS3 sequel, because I refuse to play a video games on a tiny screen, when I have a nice big TV 5 ft away.

Brood mothers aren't demons though. I'm going to continue believing that the only demon tits are Desire Demon tits.

I'd be a lot more excited for this if that horrible parody of Tron: Legacy's music wasn't playing in the background.

yup, Abortions are what destroyed the economy. If there were more babies, people would buy more. The rich people who own the companies that sell people those things would get richer, and as everyone knows, the richness of rich people is the deciding factor in economic health.

Someone broke the first rule of Fight Club

I'm playing it now, and yes, all the things you've pointed out are annoyances for me. I want to sit down and play a game for 45 min-1hr, not 10-15 min and then go watch TV till everything is recharged.

It's been a while since I've read it also, but I always assumed that Tetsuo and the others had some inate potential that the drug unlocked. They've got freaky psychic kids hangin around, I'm sure they could clone and or pick up some orphans instead of wasting time with teen gangs if there wasn't some rare trait

I'd say they learned a very valuable l lesson from Egypt and Tunisia. If you let people protest, and express their opinions about your crazy dictatorship, they will eventually remove you from power. If you keep them fearful and ignorant of the fact that there is another way, you at least stay in power until you're

I don't know much astronomy, so maybe I'm completely off base here. How dense is the Ort Cloud? Can't they just spend some sime with the Hubble and just look for the empty space left in Tyche's wake as it gobbles up any asteroid in/near it's path? Wide-field Infrared Surveys are nice and all, but this just seems

yeah, It's Squall from 8.

and hasn't Xavier been bald since childhood?