
Sounds like you could use some Hot School skills. We take care of those kinds of man woes routinely. :)

...and you know all about this and how the members are isolated and taught because Anna Merlan and the band of upset girls say so.

I posted something on this earlier about my family but if you are truly interested, maybe Anna Merlan could write another article about how International’s teachings have benefited the lives of the many people he’s helped.

You sound way jealous and it doesn’t seem healthy...

This is odd information to include at this time. Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate for your interviews with Anna Merlan?

Anna Merlan was never interested in writing a “balanced piece”. It was only ever “Here are the accusations. How do you plead?” Type of questions over email which is not a good strategy to employ if you really want both sides.

One sided out of context stories offer nothing but juicy gossip. No one is ever banned from having relationships with “outsiders” and no one is pressured to pull away from friends and family. I have an amazing relationship with my family that I was never able to have before working with International. He helped me

A bunch, actually.

I think your use of the word “generous” makes you seem like a cult member.

You sound like someone who left SSM and went nutsy cuckoo.

Such cowardice you display to claim to know someone and say you watched them show off their “reflecting skills” whatever that means and still stay anonymous...

Talk about editing... How about this article, eh?

this sounds like an insane and very unhappy, bitter spiteful person. poor you. cringe...

after her? no. you actually believe this is evil. wow. on the contrary, poppy is coming after us! She was never even a member of SSM. She just brought her friends to join so she was at the events.

The key here is to “casually see yourself to the door” and not to be stalking and haranguing the people who are still members. It’s annoying when a person who is clearly disturbed tries to get you to believe you’re in a cult when you are happy with where you are and benefiting. Unfortunately, some of the women who are

I see what you’re saying. They’re just guidelines. There are always exceptions. They’ve worked for me and they work for others but not for everybody. Thanks for your tone. Doesn’t feel like many people are very sincere in this comment stream.

Lighten up is right! Sheesh!

the hotness is about attraction, not how your body looks

funny that you would think that when there are at leas 100 members

People should know the truth that this handful of disgruntled ex members (who by the way have never actually left SSM because clearly they are still obsessed with it) are not telling the whole story, but only the parts that would bolster how bad they feel about themselves and all the while blaming others for THEIR