
I don’t think anyone really cares what you think. If anyone who is intelligent came to this story and saw the slew of comments showing an alternate point of view from that of the one in this article, they would have a more “balanced” POV.

does that mean the author of this article is secretly in Superstar Machine? Cause this almost 7,000 word piece is hella long...

I’ve been in every “back room” there is to be in and so have many of the other women who have been posting their positive accounts of SSM. It was never the way that it was distorted to seem in this article.

It’s interesting to me Expose, that you make the assumption that she believes that her power is coming from someone other than her.

The point is that these few women in this article, who clearly did not leave in a typical, emotionally stable fashion, were going to find a cult somewhere anywhere and they just happen to be focusing it on International, SSM and IHSR. I wonder how many of them have already been involved with something they might

amazon is a business and a culture. you are sadly uninformed about the world which is why you’re acting so catty and blamey. not hot.

I can’t converse with crazy people. I feel like I’m talking to a babbling homeless person right now. I want people to know that there are 2 sides to this story and the powerful, beneficial side that so many of the SSM, IHSR and Process members are experiencing is not represented in this article. You guys can fight and

It’s sad to me how mired in blame and shame you are. Expose too. You both don’t seem better off without your terrible cult. Mabe if you could have documented how you’re better off this story would have felt like it had a point. almost 7,000 words for what? In these comments, you keep distracting from the fact that

You seem confused about your story

SO OFF! You’re right!

I’m sad for you G. So, so bitter.

Are you talking about peace furnace? Wow, G! So sorry to hear how upset you are by all of this. 3 hours is a gross exaggeration, though. Don’t you think? I really liked connecting with you when you were in SSM. Perhaps you were burned in a previous experience and so when the opportunity arose for you to have a new

I take the time to keep commenting because this article is highly upsetting to me and to many other participants in SSM and ever former participants that left in a regular kind of way, as in, not making it into a villain in their story or antagonizing the shit out of something that is actually quite unique and

I’m guessing this is G. If so, I’m sad to see you so venomous. I really liked connecting with you in the SSM days.

HAHAHAHA this is just funny.

You are a very intelligent well spoken person with excellent points! Feels refreshing in this sea of crap comments.

Love this Harvard Hottie! Thanks for bringing some truth to the table!

As a cult specialist, you should know that not having had a first hand experience of this program does not make you qualified in any way.

I like your perspective. One of the most open minded of all of these comments. People have reasons and if it works for them, great. And if it doesn’t, you don’t go trying to tear down what other people find meaningful. Just sayin’... I think this article is very judgmental and very wrong. Slanderous even.

This is honestly such a bizarre interpretation and depiction of what might actually happen within Superstar Machine. This kind of comment is what happens when people think they are experts based off of reading one gossip article.