
As a Super Hottie in International Hot School Radio I can say that this is definitely a CULT which is the root word of CULTURE! HELLO PEOPLE?!?! Are you all idiots?! Are we seriously still afraid of Kool-Aid and shit?

International Hot School Radio and SSM are not for everyone. At least you aren’t spouting lies about people because it’s not tasteful to you.

That’s funny! :) You’re funny.

Yeah. So, it’s not about what men think of me it’s more that there is a lot of men in the world and that I recognize relating to a guy is different than relating to a woman. They’re like 2 different creatures all together so having skills relating specifically to men is helpful in a myriad of situations because men

Thanks ;)

Lying about stealing money from an old lady is so super not hot.

thats cute but incorrect

you can read the dictionary too. good job! but i bet you already knew you were too smart to join a real cult anyway.

It’s not a college English course. It serves its purpose

it’s not for everyone.

sorry you couldn’t keep up. sorry not sorry.

Do you, Keith?

I actually said it is a cult, as in CULTURE! Seems like you didn’t read the first few sentances...

Totes! Now you get it!

Thanks. I like this :)

This is ridiculous, Anna. Shana emailed you that she would be in touch with you today (Tuesday) and you had told her that this story was slated to run later in the week. This is BS and you know it. Talk about not having a good media strategy, as in, not having the facts straight before letting your editors take it out

Why would International want to respond if the questions you send for him to answer are all accusatory? When you go on the attack you automatically put someone on the defense. That is no way to access the truth about something or be “balanced”.

So Right, Princess.

still trying to wrap your mind around something that obviously isn’t actually happening the way it is portrayed...

Now that is what I’m talking about. Smart!