You seem delightful!
You seem delightful!
There wasn't a music video for it. But good to know it exists all the same!
Only one way to find out . . .
I think the first ep was available on Prime or something. It was worth a watch, but this article does a good job of describing what was wrong with it. I don't give a flying fuck if the captain of a slave ship is a Christian and feels bad about his job, but does it anyway. This really doesn't make him sympathetic. It…
The A.V. Club?
Chalupa Batman?
You like to hold the Queen!
We should! That show is 70% beard!
All those polar bears need to snuggle for warmth and this made them gay! And so they want to get gay-married! And they have beards! So they buy diamond rings from DeBeards! As opposed to DeBeers!
I wonder if members of the Night's Watch buy engagement rings from DeBeards!
That's what plastic surgery is for!
AND SO IT BEGINS. *rubs hands together, awaits beard-free GOT*
Is . . . is a "bed bunny" an actual bunny, or is it your boyfriend?
The true-true is bulletproof!
Who hasn't?
A reasonable comprimise! I accept!
Do they call it "cookie thumping"?
I am so sorry! And it just speaks to how gendered childhood is! I could get away with being a complete "tomboy" and never get insulted by being called masculine! Then puberty hit and suddenly I was a sexual object, too depressed to play soccer or do anything I used to enjoy.
I definitely wasn't fine at the time! But time and antidepressants heal all wounds, right?!