
Cobb always was flirtin with disaster.

"Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation… nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir." ~ Pres. Jed Bartlett (Martin Sheen), Ghandi

Which is evidenced by his ability to pilot airplanes.

Eh. Canada is a flyover country for nukes.

They've apologize for him on several occasions.

Oh, so just like in the US, the candidate receiving the most votes could actually lose.

It's pouring. And the old man is grumpy. I sure wish he'd bump his head.

They have Pussy Riots all the time.

Pure Rock Furie

I saw a documentary once where George Bush smoked a ton of weed with two minority dudes in the comfort of his hunting lodge or something. How come more people don't about know this?

Porno theme music and dildo mic and I'm in.

There is a country demographic in pretty much every state in the Union, except for maybe Hawaii.

I think I broke his fuckin' neck….See! I told you I broke his fuckin' neck!

Randy Marsh for President!

So what.

We give Dirty Larry…the finger.

The Dread Pirate Max.

The Rock is probably the modern equivalent although his athletic career (unless you count wrestling) was nothing like those guys or OJ.

OJ was at USC in the late 60s. He was out of the NFL in 1980. This is 1994-5…25 and 15 years later. By the late 80s, he was a movie star and pitchman.

In college we made a bong from supplies loaned to us by the Chemistry department. An Erlenmeyer flask, glass pipettes, rubber tubing, etc. We called it "The Respirator".