This is a Triumph. The seals were never good.
This is a Triumph. The seals were never good.
No one has seen a photo of the Model 3 yet, so unless you’re an insider, you have no idea if it’s better looking than a Volt.
Funny that, because I live in the UK, ride a motorcycle, lanesplit (or filter, to use the correct term) to work in central London every day and i’ve never seen anything like what you’ve described occurring here. Incidentally, police cars in traffic often move aside a little to let motorcyclists filter through.
Although the livers and lungs of most serious Harley riders would end up in the garbage.
I go back and forth on this, but the more I think about it, the less I see a difference between helmet laws and seatbelts in cars. I know that some would argue that seatbelts in cars shouldn’t be mandatory, but the effect of those laws has been a huge reduction in injuries and fatalities, and been a huge benefit to…
If somebody makes the mistake of telling me they’re a jet fighter pilot, I hope they have some free time, because I have some questions for them!
Soon you won’t be able to have the gun either if we continue on our current path...
Guns, good riddance...I’m sure it’s all Obama’s fault..Two things I give credit to Obama, things he tried to change in US: healthcare and gun control.US is a first world country with a third world attitude towards healthcare and gun control.
“The Ridgeline is a practical truck in the most impractical segment of buyers in the nation.”
Man, and I wasted 800 words saying this very thing. Well done!
In Doug's Defense, he has TWICE taken the Rangey on the beach in its natural habitat (Nantucket). So, there's that...
What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.
Actually this is the dude at the dinner party who looks pretty normal but benches twice his weight, has a three figure income, plays piano competitively, and who your wife wishes she married.
This truck makes a lot of sense. I’ve always been a sedan/wagon guy, but for my next car, I’m willing to give this one another good look. The fact that Honda focused on ride comfort and actual usability, rather than a dick measuring contest that all truck makers get into really proves that Honda has its customers’…
Honda Ridgeline.
The motto of the 2017 Ridgeline team: “We can’t possibly sell fewer than the last one”.
I’m glad you explained what competitive parking was, because I seriously envisioned: “That’s a pretty good parking job, between the lines on the sides, looks level, front is close to line, but not over, but you’ve got 12.6 feet on the left, and 12.7 on the right. Watch a professional work, junior!”