NINTENDO ENABLES CLOUD SAVES... except for your favorite games.
NINTENDO ENABLES CLOUD SAVES... except for your favorite games.
Just this weekend Terumi Nishii gave similar numbers at a panel at an anime convention. The fans in the Q&A were all “How do I get a job? what jobs are availiable?” and she was like “Sure. Learn Japanese, then you can absolutely get hired as an inbetweener. Here’s what the pay would be. And here’s what the pay is for…
The perfect setup for when it’s TIME TO D-D-DUEL!
We’d have world peace if you got a Platinum PSN trophy for it.
Previously on Kotaku “Overwatch’s trolls are losing”.
“Perhaps it shouldn’t take a virtual badge to get someone to say something nice to a stranger or to stigmatize harassment.”
Whatever one’s feelings on the law, or cultural differences, if you are a fan just know that a portion of every dollar you spent on Ruroni Kenshin went towards child porn.
Hey don’t get too excited until we learn whether or not it’s another Marth Clone.
It is really, really, really hard to score an insanity plea in this day and age.
I would like to go a week without another milkshake duck. But on the same token, it’s for the betterment of everyone that these stories come out. So now we see if Alamo fixes their shit or the new 2018 policy was just them handwaving away the bullshit. :(
It’s as if an entire show is designed specifically to make me feel old and out of touch.
I go to Dali showings because on that day they put a fried egg on everything.
Tiny part of the male population? I’m honestly not too sure. I think this is a valid problem that needs to be recognized and guys need to stop being all “Not me!” and recognize that it’s really a thing.
I personally know two of these people. I’ve watched them become, for lack of a better word, radicalized into this way…
From a marketing perspective, their logic is sound. They’re not targeting people who are interested in a Nintendo Switch. They have other avenues of advertisement and media awareness for that. They are targeting people who remember the old NES or SNES days, who are much more willing to drop a $80 on a stand-alone one…
I’m sorry, but without those awesome riding insects, I just can’t care. I only had one of the puppets; the flying tarantula pictured above. It was as awesome as it was terrifying. The wings were motorized and surprisingly durable. The smaller bugs were cool too, but I could care less about any of the humanoid…
I have two official docks, and then put the innards of an official dock into tiny little travel dock shell. Sure, I paid more but I got guaranteed compatibility and I’m not rolling the dice that the 3rd party dock will fry my switch.
Most bartops have a removable back, so when you’re mounting it, you’re essentially putting a lot of force on a structurally weak area. Ideally you’d want the mounting points on a non-removable cross brace. And I’d want no tilt to the screen. Yeah, I’ve put too much thought into this but don’t have nearly the time to…
Know what? As someone who nearly lost a friend due to caffeine induced cardiac event when I was 14 and he was 12... yeah. Okay, maybe they shouldn’t sell energy drinks and caffeine pills to minors. This was all pre-internet so... it’s not like we could have googled the side effects of being stupid t(w)eens wanting to…
Bartops are nice and I keep an eye on new kits as people put them out. But everything I’ve seen so far for Bartop kits are that they wouldn’t really make a good wall unit without some serious conversion.
So... my local team is kinda racist or is chill with racist memes? Cool. I’m done. Limit break achieved. I’m out. Thanks for all the Gremlin D.Va fanart.