
Any word on exactly what toxic is or isn’t? Because we’re talking about a community that can and will report you for not complying to whatever meta they have in mind, and then GMs that will uphold those bans on appeal.

Yeah, hitting up the Ghibli Museum cafe during their “Celebration of food” netted several menu additions that match these photographs. It was awesome and gut busting.

Someone told me, or I read that there was an achievement for getting through the game with only the plasma cutter. So on my first play through I figured I would give it a shot and loved it! It was simultaneously fun and terrifying.

Thank you! This is something I was always curious about, and you presented it in a very interesting manner!

I still really, strongly feel that for Halloween, there should be special trash cans carted out. The giant ones shaped like a scoop; Have them clearly marked for burnables/plastic. Sure, there’s a placement problem but I can think of a few spots where they can be tucked away, accessible without blocking the road.

Bah. I prefer my video game characters to be as aware of their surroundings as I am in real life. In a game I don’t have the benefit of smells, peripheral vision or spacial awareness. And in real-life I don’t have samey-textures everywhere.

So, critical reviews as a whole are completely lost on you eh?

Blockbuster didn’t pay retail price for their games. They paid a premium, much like how back in the days of VHS the “rental versions” of movies cost 5-10 times more than standard retail price to cover for this license (and assumed duplication).

Frankly, the movie becomes much better with this death theory. I have so many issues with the structure of the film (primarily the 3rd act), and when I express them I’m essentially met with “Hey, it’s just a kid’s movie” as if the lion’s share of the Ghibli catalog somehow isn’t also a “Kid’s movie”

The one time I am happy one of these idiots can’t keep their shitshow contained while on camera. So, I’m glad it was filmed, glad there is evidence. And I hope she gets away safely.

Botw supports detaching only one joycon? Every other game I’ve experimented that with failed.

No, you cannot remove say... the right joycon and still use the left one still connected to the system. The switch hates that and is patiently waiting for you to remove the left one too.

Is “Because Overwatch” seriously the reason this game failed?


“Board does not light up” :(

Question: I notice your design has the switch at an angle. Why not keep it vertical? Was it a balance issue? An artistic choice? Did aliens make you do it? I’d really love to know more about your design.

Seeing as I wanted another USB-C brick and HDMI cable, I got a second dock and instead bought a replacement shell that I stripped the innards from the spare dock and put it in the shell. This way I know the chipset isn’t going to ruin my switch. And certain replacement shells make use of the little spring assembly of

Wow. That’s nice for... I guess families who want to expand from one switch to multiple switches. But that still doesn’t help me who would like to take my switch on the go without risking the loss of several hundred hours of gameplay stuff should my unit get damaged or stolen. What part of “Cloud Saves” is so hard to

So... Black Atlantis, when? This is too rich an idea to let it fade away.