
Paint the floor. Look at the map. Strafing is your friend. If there’s no enemy in sight and you want to paint a big area quick? Do a side to side instead of running and gunning. (assuming you aren’t a brush or roller).

Unfortunately the only way to guarantee a match against Mayo would be to increase or decrease your splatfest power score. Because the system pools that score first before matchmaking. It’s how there were so many Mayo vs Mayo matches.

Winners get 3 more shells at maximum rank. That’s the only difference.

Also, per Splatfest Law whatever won is objectively, conclusively, LEGALLY better. It’s the law, Pearl.

Marina’s side wins (Cake vs Ice Cream) = “Waaah! Stop choosing Marina!”

It used to be that Popularity was weighted the same as victories and people complained about that too. Then they moved to a system of weighted multipliers. And now, currently they’ve dropped the multiplier/weight and instead have it Victories (solo queue) vs Victories (team queue) vs Popularity.

One thing not mentioned is the power level pairing. The current system pools based on power level and THEN looks for vs Ketchup/vs Mayo. This is how I had a friend ranting on Discord because he was tired of Mayo v Mayo matches.

So... it’s undocumented, but if you press any of the d-pad or abxy you cycle through poses of your character and the amiibo character. Y’know, in case you wanted to take even more absolutely adorable screenshots.

I mean, not like I’ve ever done this. No. NOPE.

Black vs Orange for a Halloween event would be amazing. My concern is that Splatfests take place during night versions of the stages, so it may he harder to see. Perhaps they can add the sparkle effect seen in the ink on the single player stages?

Umm... if y’all are suggesting that the in-game mayo color looks like what I think you’re suggesting, well then someone needs to go to a doctor!! And absolutely they need to change their diet.

They moved it to 24 hour blocks some time ago. It’s now just a matter of keeping track of the day rotation.

Splatfests lock out the other game modes. I can make the very same argument you did about “not wanting to play the mode I want to play” (ranked) because of an in-game schedule (Splatfest).

When Salmon Run is open, there is a direct, measurable hit in the player pools for Ranked. It’s the nature of the beast. They’re

The “Crappy loadouts” in Salmon Run have made me a better Splatoon player overall. Training by necessity!

That feeling when you realize you’ve spent too many years pursuing the wrong fucking career.

The Saint Seiya theme is pretty much the National Anthem of Mexico. Seriously, so much love for that show there.

An entire season devoted to a flight of stairs or GTFO.

Yeah, depending on your TV you may end up with some input lag that you’ll have to adjust for. Or, you probably won’t notice since you’re not playing on the handheld itself. But do remember to update the game! Because the update unlocks moving the scratch command do the sticks, where it becomes much easier to use.

The story for P4D was wonderful. A look at the idol industry that you don’t really get to see. The themes of identity vs character really fit well blended into persona.
They’re going to have a tough time topping that story.

And by that, there’s literally no setup screen or anything. The switch uses the network adapter without any announcement or ceremony. You’ll see a different icon on the home screen.

I bought a generic USB network adapter years ago for my Wii U for use while Playing Splatoon. And when Splatoon 2 launched, I moved it over from the Wii U to the switch dock. It’s the best.

With googly eyes!