
The crazy acessory is just a cute optional dongle. All you need is a phone/tablet/whatever with access to Iphone or Google Play and boom. You have voice chat.

“So simply telling someone they are an asshole probably won’t solve the issue, and at worst actually encourages it.”

Are there any engineers or pilots who can explain why there isn’t a concrete wall between those two fences to prevent this? It seems like you’d want barrier there to prevent people from getting thrown around like ragdolls.

OMG Hush, let’s not talk about backups. XD I’m just so happy to have sold my 2ds wedge to a friend, because wow. I have a drawer full of various 3DSes. #partoftheproblem

Yeah, so they’re continuing the trend here. The “old” 3DS and 3DSXL are long gone, the 2DS wedge was only a regional/limited edition thing. So Next up is the N3DS being retired, which will leave the N3DSXL and N2DSXL on the market.

They’re just getting rid of the oldest model. Much like how they phased out the non-New versions of the hardware. With the launch of the N2DSXL they have too many variants of the hardware right now.So it’s being trimmed down to the N3DSXL, N2DSXL and limited/regional runs of the 2DS wedge.

I don’t know if Nintendo is ready to SWITCH things up and SWITCH to some new sort of portable hardware.

That said. It would be a while for the general market to SWITCH to a new handheld. I mean, knowing Nintendo, it’d probably rare AF and there’d be something silly like no way to back up saved games or something

Battery % displays in my experience have run the gamut from [precise] to [so vague it’s not useful]. So as such, if the UI gives me the ability to hide the battery percentile and just give me a full/mid/low battery icon instead? I’m happy.

Every game that I have played that had a “True Neutral” character was pretty much a lazy sociopath. I hate that alignment. :D

If they made a D.Va Nendoroid with one of the face plates being GREMLIN D.VA, I would probably die~

They’re harmless, and a few of them are really cute. I just prefer the Nedoroid Aesthetic. I went from “NOPE NOT FOR ME. I HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!” to an owner of 4 of the little things. (and Probably 5 once I see the Mei on a shelf somewhere)

Someone really needs to bribe/hire the voice actress to say a few of her Mercy lines in the MOST CUTE WAY POSSIBLE.


Actually, we’re not allowed to use any sort of cloud storage where I work. It’s all on encrypted laptops and phones. It’s gong to cause problems.

You mean students shouldn’t be sorted as: Jock, Snob, Nerd, and Stoner? Who knew?! :D

She’s totally the “Brat Princess” trope. High forehead, crown, mischievous grin, dressed in white/pink. She’s great. I love her animations. She reminds me of a lot of old school rappers from when they were starting out :D

Marina has to deal with squids she doesn’t know asking if they can touch her tentacle hair. And when she says no, they look at her and treat her like she’s fulfilling the “Angry Octoling” stereotype.

That’s nice, but where is the youtube video of the voice actor doing the dance emote?? #overwatchpriorities

I like Pearl! She’s goofy. I mean, Marina’s got my heart, but Pearl is awesome too. <3

I think it’s some pretty interesting unintentional social commentary. The lore suggested that the whole squid vs octo thing was sorta, kinda the squid’s fault. Having Octos among us (the squids) now seem to imply that maybe it’s not so cut and dry. Not a race vs race thing.