
Yea, me too. Which reminds me I need to start running again. I tried Runkeeper, iMapMyRun, My Tracks, and I found using my phone for a running GPS is a pain in the ass. The Garmin is dead simple, it works it never tells me I've run all the way from work and around my neighborhood. It's calories burnt thing isn't as

As god as my witness I thought tablets could fly.

This is what I came here to see.

So now watches need a firmware update...jesus christ.

You don't know from ugly, these are major design strides for Garmin.

If it's like T-mobile though it's not seamless, the call just drops, you'll get a warning when the wifi signal gets low that your call is going to drop and then it drops. This is why I can't call anyone on my way out the door I have to drive down the street and get on their network and off of my wifi. If theirs works

Do they have any IMEI spoofing apps for a jailbroken iPhone? Because it seems like if you got their possibly crappy phone and spoofed the IMEI on another phone they'd be none the wiser. Not that anyone should do anything like that or that I condone such actions, but from a purely hypothetical stand point, it could

Let's nuke it for practice. It'll be like shooting skeet with a rocket.

I vote for nuclear war half way through the listed run time of the movie, that'll keep people on their toes for years.

I really hate to be the one to promote your comment but you're such an ass it has to be remarked upon.

I think the people at Lockheed have been watching M.A.S.K

Eddie needs to go work on some stand up, just fuck off and show up at The Laugh Factory or whatever and try some material out. He needs to get that down and get it worked out and then go on tour and release a concert movie theatrically. Then he needs to do some indie movies. And then he'll have won back his audience

Was that Nerds of Doom? Cuz if so, yea that's the worst one.

Because IT can't see me sketching!

50% because I'm either right or I'm not.

So you're saying Elon is not a store in the mall that sells sweatshirts?

They were putting out the Christmas packaged fun sized candies at Walmart on Saturday. The hell? When my kids come home tonight with snowflake embossed Andes I'll know which of my neighbors waited too long to get candy.

Tae Kwon Do does pretty well.

Nope but I know their 3g network in DFW...where they're freakin headquartered and still have lousy coverage.

Looks like they've got some magnets to sell. Shiny, green ones.