Congrats AT&T, you're bringing your customers a whole new technology on which their calls can drop and webpages can fail to load.
Congrats AT&T, you're bringing your customers a whole new technology on which their calls can drop and webpages can fail to load.
Well, thank you. That's some effort.
It's called Mansquito, It's wearing everything it is right there in the title. Until they changed it to MosquitoMan...which may be a more accurate predictor of it's awesomeness.
OK, cop badass (wikipedia says you're right). I haven't seen it since the first time it came on, it was awesome, but not so awesome I'm going to watch it every time it comes on.
See, there they go ripping off Android again.
So Hell is like a bank? Banks ruined the economy. #OccupyHell
Hedlopper, coming this fall from IKEA.
Telecommute from Canada. Or regular commute, but you might have to leave early in the morning depending on where you live.
Well, you can't spell Hell with out double hockey sticks.
Hell is a constitutional monarchy now? It's probably like England which means even Hell has a better health care system than the US.
As a person living in Fort Worth and watching all these fair weather fans circle jerk for days on end, I would totally wish losing on them. Losing bad too. Maybe another 16 run game, and Washington getting busted for possession again.
"Hey let's play with the Ouija board."
Hey the SuperfluousK Foundation for the Benefit of SuperfluousK and his Family is all about education. Call me, Bill.
Bill, I have a solution to your problem. Give me a million dollars. I'll see what that's like, then you give me 2 million dollars and I'll see what that's like. I already know what being poor is like. So Bill, what do you say, do it for science.
I remember my 48G. It was awesome, it had a solve button. I loved my solve button.
Damn, I was going for acute statement.
So the slower phone is slower. Good to know.
It's also educational in that now you can study the effects of constant network disruptions on a large group of people.
Of course you did.