
So long as Mick Garris is locked in a cage somehwere far far away, or distracted with a Cycle of the Werewolf TNT movie or something everything will be fine.

So it began alone, friendless and unemployed in Greenland.

The CEO will get a multimillion dollar severance package. A couple dozen sales reps and another couple dozen people working in administrative functions will be let go for "under performing" and then they'll lay off 10% of the work force to pay the settlements, fines and for the CEO's severance package.

Doesn't matter. By the time this phone is available in the US phones with Kal-El will also be available, most people not knowing what a the hell a core is are going to look at the specs, see this phone has 1 and the one next to it has 4 and they're both 200, and the one that's free on contract still has 2. You can't

No front camera... single core chip... 720p video... so basically this is a very nice phone from last year. Hi Nokia, if you see anyone from HP sniffing around outside, close the blinds, lock the doors and pretend like you're not home, you guys are so fucked.

Them is hillbillies in WVA

Is there anything more disappointing in life than hearing what you think is the opening of "For Whom the Bell Tolls," then finding out it's lameass "Hells Bells"?

I understand why Batman is beating up Ronald Reagan in the Bat-Cave with a bunch of mimes around, I just don't know how he got there.

Jennifer Government isn't as far-fetched as I'd like.

Compared to Uwe Boll, Emmerich makes smart movies. It's all about managing expectations.

They keep saying magical, the remote better be a basically a motion plus wiimote, but it'll probably just use Siri.

As an added bonus, when the screen is off you get a free replica monolith. Blinged out too.

He should kick the shit out of Marty Jannety too. Just to make his point.

Thus ended Mark Sanchez's foray into KISS tribute bands.

He'll suck the polyurethane foam right out of your neck.

I think they did the same thing last year where W threw out the first pitch of a game and the crowd in Arlington cheered is sorry ass and my ambivalence about who one turned into hoping the Rangers lost so goddamn bad it would make him cry.

Dear Mr. Lucas,

I think it was Glenn Dale.

Ok, I'll go as a Misfit

Pilfer some pilsner in the ensuing rapture chaos. Might wnat to check some pizza places too, be a shame if the cook got raptured and the pizzas in the oven burnt.