
That grammar it's a motherfucker.

Poor T-Mobile and they're stupid, stupid spectrum allotment.

That's the New York FOOTBALL Jew Boys to you, Abramoff.

Everyone should lay off Tebow, he's really getting crucified out there.

Wait, I thought that was pubic hair. Mustard is delicious. And a mustard fountain+hot pretzels= I wash myself with a rag on a stick

Ketchup fountain> Tebow

Apparently yes, but they couldn't get in contact with Mikey from the Life cereal commercials, because that dude died from the pop rocks and sprite.*

10 myths and no Pop rocks and sprite will make your stomach explode. So I'll just have to assume that it's not a myth.

OK Google, now is your chance to do something hugely patriotic. All search requests coming from Chinese and Russian IPs result in a Rick Roll.

Les, old people with money LOVE them some Apple products. The iPhone is the new Jitterbug. The iPad is like a large print edition of the iPhone. Old people also LOVE them some dreck you show on CBS. You're shooting yourself in the foot with this one.

Yes, and I hate it. And it doesn't happen to have a clock on it, they specifically put it there so you can see the awesome clock they have. Oh, how it torments me.

I did, but all these phones the advertising has these giant clocks, HTC, LG, Samsung, all giant clocks. And the goddamn analog clock is worse, but they don't show that one so much in the promotional materials anymore. These things do so much stuff and they're showing me a fucking picture of a clock.

I think I used to shoot at those with a chain gun in Doom.

Well I would have to get up once an hour to go outside for a cigarette.

I'm tired of the whole giant clock thing. There's already a clock in the corner that's persistent across all the screens, why do I need a picture of a giant flip clock?

The worst part about the tub poop is that after you freak out and clean up all the poop, you have to give the kid another bath because clearly they've just been sitting in their own poop and its all over them now. So now instead of shipping them off to bed, another bath and all attempts at conducting this bath in a

No, it looks right to me. Painful, but not injurious.

Start, as always with Alpha Flight.

I use 3g Watchdog and APNdroid to monitor my data usage and disable mobile data at 99%. I've never had it cut off, but I also never stream anything over the mobile network.

Yes this is true. The android phones offered cheap and free on the carrier website are crap. However, you can still get a good one either from a 3rd party like Amazon, or in store or over the phone if you get a rep that will make a deal when you tell them you can get the phone they want $200 for for free from Amazon.