
I feel weird using iTunes on wine too, but that's because the screen gets all blurry. and there's 2 of them. And they intersect. And spin.

This is pretty much what I expected to see when I refreshed the comments.

There's already plenty of vacated homes you can squat in.

pssssshhhhook zwhuum zwhum psshhhhhhook

I think I saw those clocks on clearance at toys r us last week.

Liberates me from the local cable monopoly. Enslaves me to iTunes. And I still need the cable company for the internets. THANKS!

Blair Witch


How come she can get a cup, wash the floors, show up in the yard, but not dig a hole?

Yes, I agree with you, teachers are effed in the aye.

I really appreciate that this Gizmodo story is being brought to me by the Samsung Galaxy S II.

They get paid dick and have to buy a crap ton of supplies for the students. And asshole parents are always bitching about how good teachers have it.

Huh, I never have any problems with Charter, I regularly hit 2MB. Which is nice.

That really doesn't preclude newspaper editors from agreeing on a spelling in a breakout group during a convention.

The New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe all spell his name differently. Or three guys with homophone names have been killed in Sirte.

Fuck, engadget says it works, so now you have Netflix and healthcare. And global warming is making it less cold.

No, but you get healthcare.

ok, thanks.

I don't read about basketball so pardon my ignorance but, hypothetically if Lebron, Bosh and Wade don't decide to converge in Miami do the owners still decide to have a lock out?

+1 weed whack that thing