
I pictured Anthony Hopkins, but dammit if I wouldn't watch House play wednesday.

I've been to Disney World but I've never been to an Apple store. Doesn't matter either way, Jobs is on the board at Disney too.

They don't want people to think it's a movie about Jesus Christ kicking ass on Mars.

I pretty much quit watching nbc entirely so I wouldn't have to hear about the olympics. All the time they're telling me about the olympics. Winter, summer, goddamn tenuous local ties to olympians. Today show, nightly news, local news everybody shilling for the goddamn olympics, because anyone gives a fuck about

So, if they expand the playoff by a round for the 4 and 5 seeds to play in, does this mean Thanksgiving Baseball? Also, Fuck you baseball and fox for putting Treehouse of Horror on the week after Halloween every goddamn year.

Maybe they were saying Boo-urns.

So basically you're the reason no one wants to use Ebay anymore, thanks asshole.

If I were to picture a frog that would be my new overlord that is the frog. Kudos to your frog image finding skills.

SGT Slaughter teaming up with known enemy of America, The Iron Sheik.

You don't carry a whip everywhere and fight nazis, you have a purse. And if you're wearing the hat you look like a moron. A moron with a purse.

After this over sharing and the mini skirt post I look forward to another member of congress claiming they had an online account hacked.

Dude, he worked on both Kung Fu Panda movies, obviously he's capable of delivering King Lear type drama.

Bag lacks the do not let children play with bag do not keep near cribs and suffocation warnings.

Pretty much. If anyone is going to pull off overly complicated and epic it's Whedon. Of course cramming it into 2 hours instead of 22 might cause issues.

I haven't seen that in a theater yet. I have seen D-Bags in there, which is some dick talking on his phone through the whole movie while kicking the seat in front of him constantly.

People pay $50 to get a sticker for their badge to wear jeans on Friday here. They're still pants and you still have to wear the same goddamn shoes. AND JEANS ARE FUCKING HOTTER THAN FUCK IN THE SUMMER. I work with idiots.

Yea but who'd read a comic about a Canadian in yellow spandex named Honey Badger?

Gonna need a jizz swiffer to wipe the Camping semen dust up.

If we're speaking strictly, GIR is a robot in a dog suit, and frequently he took the suit off.