
There's a Wal-Mart next to NAS JRB in Ft Worth where you can see these from the parking lot.

Good thing the world is ending tomorrow, huh?

If it makes you feel any better, ever since the redesign my desktop browser randomly gets redirected to the mobile site.

But what about zombies? How are you going to stop them?

Huh, the Slim Jim spokesman has a heart attack and dies in a car accident. Well, at least they can save on embalming.

If the Jesus Freaks get raptured can we open Chic-Fil-A on Sunday.

All the single ladies?

Daylight is around 3,500K

Secretly, Stranger than Paradise is about vampires. No one really has "a cousin" come to visit them from Eastern Europe in their tiny apartments.

Is that David Carradine hanging around with some wood in his hand?

Step 1: Lease billboard predicting apocalypse on a net60 term.

In a few years assholes will deny this happened too.

Quit watching Dexter now, Brian.

Christ, all those Lego sets they probably had the same budget as the actual prequels.

is Elizabeth Shannon going to be played by Shannon Elizabeth?

How come my goddamn smoker can't get anything up to temperature? There's a fire in the damn thing AND I'm doing it when it's 110 degrees out. It's a black box. That goddamn pork shoulder ought to be over 160 it's been in there 8 hours but nooooooo.

I was a dishwasher at a shitty restaurant that didn't have a dishwasher. Those cheap little scrubbing pads like what they have on the scrub side of a sponge last a long time and don't stink like a sponge. Always soak the dried pancake batter for a few minutes. If you lose your watch in the grease trap it's not worth

After he's put out to stud we can read his shit interrupted hook up story in DHF.

Where's his hat? And what's with the circles on him?

Here is a look inside the Dyson Sphere