
In a perfect world Peter Seaman would marry Dick Trickle and their new names would be Peter and Dick Seaman-Trickle.

@Psych0billy: I totally forgot about that guy. Of course now he looks like Ron Perlman and Joaquin Phoenix had a kid that joined a hair metal band.

There's also a secret river of mood slime and a lair of crime fighting turtles that do martial arts oh, and a crime fighting sociopath with a lot of guns.

That's awesome, but I need one that punches little jazz picks.

@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: By contrast, Obama has passed 2 bills the size of 4 Bibles each that amount to a full time employment act for regulators (banking, health insurance)- ones with unknown effects and unintended consequences... All this, and Citibank, you know, the institution who called up Hank Paulsen on Friday

@Bullet_Tooth_Tony: The only reason no one realizes this is because Bush was an asshole child of privilege...

@gticlutchburn: I should be more clear. If they have 60% of the money, they should pay 60% of the taxes. They get off light, convince a bunch of idiots that taxing the rich is bad and the idiots then foot the tax bill for the rich.

@Walk Off HBP: Don't forget the flies that lay eggs in your eyes that hatch and eat your eyes.

@BoastfulBadger: off being a self aggrandizing fucker. Vote for the Ears not the Hair.

@gticlutchburn: Hey but they pay 33% of the taxes...fuckers.

@Matt Sussman: But you have to find a way to get money for the jewelry. Cut out the middle man, rob a bank or an armored car.

Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all our problems.

@Maori_Yelir: How modified, can it interface with the ports on an Empire Star destroyer?

@CaptainJack: Nexus is by definition a convergence. Therefore, it cannot be untainted as it is all taint.

Aw hell, it's The Kurgan.

@Phintastic: Fuck all that. Disney World, Epcot Center, Germany. Spaten Optimator, pretzels and bratwurst. Then walk your drunk ass over to America and get a turkey leg.