
Drew Magary=Rob Dibble. But Drew's job is safe. Don't worry.

As a Redskins fan and a karate expert I think you should fuck off. I had to listen to announcers tell me how many offensive cooredinators Jason Campbell had for like 4 years while he missed on every goddamn deep route that was called.

The newest technology in the RIAA and MPAA's war on piracy: needles.


See, Cleaveland? That is how you keep your players. No more whining out of you, you couldn't even bother to show up at Lebron's house and make threatening remarks.

But but but if we cut back how much they can make from insurance and medicare these doctors will be forced to find a new line of work. And they have to charge so much because of the high malpractice insurance premiums.

Is the FJ Cruiser selling that well we need another Tonka looking retro suv?

@kingalces: And their Southern Strategy was pretty well tied to playing to white southern racists. They became the party of the corporation in the early 20th century and that's where the really stand.

Now that we know he's out of the house, what's his address and what kind of tv does he have?

How long until they have these in the Inner Harbor and at BWI?

Damn, I'll have to continue to ignore multiple outlets instead of ignoring a one stop repository of right wing propaganda.

For 5 bucks a month I can have content blocked when my isp and the content provider have a dispute. Where do I sign up?

@Turbineguy - now with Firefox!: I wonder if anyone explained to him the difference between bullet proof and bullet resistant. Probably wouldn't matter if the did the hyperbole is strong with that one. And the lies. Fucking thing is probably made of balsa wood.

Someone should test it. Test and see if it's crush proof too.

Goes great with blue dresses with jizz on them too.

Remember folks, dead people's claims are less expensive.