
As a longtime iPad 1 user, I would say its form is a mixed bag. It's too big to thumb type or play any sort of action-oriented game that requires thumb action. But as others have said, brilliant for reading and anything that requires a big screen size (I use it for art).

Yeah, this is really a false controversy. First, Google has gone above and beyond in warning users about the change (which really seems more like a clarification than a change). More than any company who have made similar changes. And it isn't as if Google is giving away your privacy info willy nilly. But more to the

3D pottery wheels, yo.

"I have sat." What's wrong with that exactly? That's actually the only way to say "I was sitting here, and then you came." It's a tense. Kentucky? Learn grammar.

Quick question: How many people reading this site actually WANT to work on an assembly line producing iPhones. Zero? Then why would anyone wish this on their fellow Americans (or anyone for that matter). "Jobs" isn't a solution to America's problems.

For reals about the jargon-filled commentary. Even once I really got into, say, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (note I didn't use an acronym) I couldn't understand half of what the commentators were saying. The one thing gaming could borrow from TV is the camera work. All competitive games need a third eye view, and better

So much wrong here. First, I would wager that many pirated copies are never actually played. Because a pirate can so easily download every title for a system in one go, essentially, you can bet games are frequently downloaded without ever being played or only being played for an incredibly brief time. These are not

No, that's incorrect. It's only true that Whisky (no e) generally refers to Scotch whisky, whereas Whiskey generally refers to the American drink, though it can be made with grains as well and still use the e (like rye whiskey).

Eh, you're splitting hairs. It's a Sotch style whiskey. Why do people think pointing out this kind of minutia makes them seem smart? I dunno. It's like... semantics, grammar — not terribly important or difficult in the greater scheme of things.

I use gmail, but it's become pretty stagnant as well. The new look didn't improve much, many of the themes are garish and have poor legibility (and there aren't many of them), and it really could use some auto-cleanup features, the ability to work on multiple emails at once... really a lot of things.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Yes, gamers are weirdly defensive about their favorite series or consoles, though to be fair every comments section consists mostly of ranting and raving.

Catering to a single household with multiple user accounts. That sounds an awful lot like code for selling 1/5 as many iPads.

Consider this: What if Google's main page (for everyone) were iGoogle — that is, a page like uses now, with news articles, links to other services, etc. Would we be saying it was unfair that Google placed a link to its own mail or map service on that page? Of course not.

You do realize the band has no representation. How is their disclosing rates like a child speaking on his parents' salaries? THEY negotiated the rates, just like I earn my salary — I'm free to talk about it. As shawn_dude points out, employers create a taboo around discussing wages to keep wages lower on the whole and

Let's follow the logic in this article: Google creates services that are faster and easier to use than rival service; People switch to Google; Google can do this because they don't mind operating at a loss to gain market share.

This makes me, more than ever, want to open a proper arcade in SF. One that serves food and drink, where all the tables play Pacman, broadcasts competitions on a big screen... Seriously, there isn't a single arcade within the San Francisco city limit, and oh so much vacant real estate.

I love how everyone makes fun of hipsters, even though most of us "non hipsters" think bikes are cool, are interested in dressing fashionably, like good music, see the virtue in locally produced food that's made by someone who gives a damn, read and write blogs.

Well, depending on what you're reading I'd recommend the big Kindle, as PDFs and such don't generally fit well onto the smaller one (and the Kindle software does a poor job handling the size conversion). Otherwise, e-ink is FAR sharper than LCD, so technical diagrams actually read better, in my experience. If you

Bit of a strawman. I WOULD prefer to read websites/blogs on e-paper, all other things being equal; my eyes DO know the difference (just because LCDs don't turn you blind doesn't mean they're pleasant to read off of ). Also, the whole advertising thrust with the Kindle is that it's a leisure device — read it while on

I imagine that depends on the temperature, and also how lopsided the planet's orbit is. See, assuming the planet never rotates, the heat will transfer from the lit side to the unlit side, to an extent, meaning neither side should be too hot or cold (except near the poles). However, if the planet has a dramatic orbit,