
BART and Muni need to seriously reconsider their signage. If you're telling Bicycles not to be on the front car or to use the elevator EVERY SINGLE TRIP perhaps, just perhaps, your signage is lacking. Likewise, the fact that no tourist has once correctly opened a Muni bus door might indicate that placing an

I hate staking out the middle, but in this case it's called for. I absolutely agree that, in general, you should be able to use products you purchase, and if you can't, that you should return it or complain to the company. Two things, though. First, you can do just that—return the game, wait for the kinks to be ironed

I basically agree, but the way you put it overemphasizes originality. All of the games you mention are essentially refinements, much like Diablo II. I'd say Diablo III's skill tree alone has revolutionized the genre in a way MANY people have been clamoring for for ages—namely balancing a skill system such that every

Beyond gameplay considerations, there are non-trivial financial ones (and I'm not talking about piracy). Supporting an offline game with patches etc. would require Blizzard to essentially do twice as much work, not to mention the work of releasing two versions, addressing customer confusion/anger over why they can't

Long-term I'm not so concerned about the servers, as I'm sure they will stabilize. What bugs me is that I can't play this during a commute, or on an airplane, or when holed up at a cabin or some such—in other words, many of the times I actually want to play a game.

I'm not sure I understand how the pricing of Distro is in any way competitive with spotify (or what exactly you're subscribing to). I mean, many bands only put out a CD's worth of music, with maybe a live CD to compliment it, if that, each year. Why would I pay $100 to subscribe to Lady Gaga when, right now, I have

I would imagine professional artists, using a laptop, need an external storage solution. Said solution could be one of the many options equipped with internet connectivity, including ethernet.

It's absolutely OK. Don't you think being an ethical consumer is hard enough these days without splitting hairs over nonsense like this? And in this case, the ONLY reason you're asking the question is because piracy is illegal. Buying a used copy of the game is perfectly legal, but, I'd say it's less ethical in a

But Diablo III IS the answer to WoW for us crotchety 20- and 30-somethings. It's as finite an experience as you want it to be, and unlike WoW, one that's actually satisfying (graphically, gameplay-wise, etc.) if you treat it entirely as a one-off single player experience. I imagine that it will be conducive to

I'm thinking about that Wisconsin (I think) man arrested for buying lolicon hentai. I guess most of Nippon Ichi's games are offline only, but still...

Gizmodo has always been childish. They overreact to everything. Part of the charm I guess?

Some spoilers:

I'm sure there are technical difficulties, but why not bring in something like the Soul Calibur engine/move set? I mean, even something ancient like Battle Arena Toshinden has better fighting than most RPGs. Any time two people engage in melee combat, snap them to facing.

Not weird: See Blockbuster + Dish Network

Indicative of the imagination behind these games. This particular puzzle (move the box) has been popping up in games for some time now. Used to be you could buy it along with 1000 other games on a bootleg Chinese Gameboy cartridge.

The whole "we're going to abandon DVDs" thing never made sense to me. People have started to discuss Netflix in terms of what's on streaming (not this article per say, but generally). Yet you can still, for a paltry sum, receive almost every movie ever digitized without leaving your home.

Really. Not to mention office is arriving on the iPad, which I imagine will cut into the need for an "enterprise" tablet, assuming the iOS version is decently functional.

Is Seagate really at the bottom of the barrel, or are we speaking anecdotally? I've had trouble with a WD external and a Hitachi laptop HD.

Actually, Chipotle burritos aren't terrible. I've lived in SF my whole life and love me a good burrito. Frankly, Chipotle have their merits. Quality ingredients, especially the meat (many of the "great" Mission burritos are full of gristle). Corn salsa is yummy. Under-seasoned, big time, but satisfying in that savory

Certain combinations are near impossible in SSF4 and Marvel with a fightpad, at least not without contorting your hands. I own a fightpad as in general I prefer the pad, but yeah, the stick is the way to go if you're willing to overcome the learning curve (assuming you're already comfortable with pads).