
Could be the Microsoft equivalent of the Apple Magic Touch (or whatever the hell they're calling the multi-touch control surface).

This isn't really a comment on the post, which is about the single player... just a comment.

100 million in WoW has to be one of the best investments of all time.

The game is solid. My one gripe is the failure to address some of the long-running flaws in the DQ games. Most noticeably are: Boring/useless skills, such as insulate; illusion-shattering inconsistencies in the universe, like having an aged villager easily traverse the dungeon your party just struggled through.

Of course, taking the app down doesn't do a whole hell of a lot considering the number of people who jailbreak their iPhones (and I would offer that anyone with the ability to set up the Handy Light has a jail broken iPhone).

I hope this leads to my low-budget Internet being upgraded by Comcast so that they can legally advertise it as broadband. Probably not, though. Probably, they will simply say something like, "We offer the fastest broadband," without mentioning the band that isn't so broad.

No studio or TV manufacturer is really dealing with the reality that many people find 3D physically uncomfortable. Though I only have anecdotal evidence, I wonder if those who can't tolerate it are actually in the majority.

Oooh, there's a microphone on the camera. Get close enough to use that and you might smash the TV with your wand.

@axiomatic: The only reason is that you have old hardware. I have Windows 7 on my newer desktop but not my laptop, for the simple reason that it would slow my laptop down and there's a small possibility some of the difficult to replace hardware wouldn't be supported by 7. Also, Windows 7 isn't free.

I don't really think Blizzard was behind the decision to institute realID — definitely an Activision move meant to cash in on some Facebook tie-ins or some such.

Props to them for trying to deviate from the norm, but they're really not pushing it far enough. To me, the one thing lacking from MMOs is the sense of mystery, fantasy, and adventure. They all become numbers games way too quickly — all about min/maxing, skills, competition, etc. Is there a single MMO where you feel

It's depressing reading this, because it's already becoming clear that Apple's iPhone/Pad is going to be widely adopted to the point where web devs are shackled by whatever BS limitations Apple imposes. In other words, Apple WILL dictate the terms of HTML5 with their closed OS and marketplace. Yes, they've allowed

It's strange how important rumble is (I never use my rumble-less, or flat, as I think of it, ps3 controller). This is why 3D is such a huge risk — it's impossible to know which types of feedback and augmented reality will actually enhance the gaming experience. Rumble is so low-tech, yet is just as effective as

It's absurd. WoW and other Blizzard games are largely premised on allowing gamers to enter into a fantasy world. Even though the forums are distinct, Blizzard is at cross purposes trying to shed light on gamers' real identities.

I still find Apple's censorship policies to be more odious, but Google is shady. I mean, every change to their software is a soft roll-out — some of which invade privacy and/or destroy data (my wife lost half her emails on gmail after one gmail upgrade, and of course no human beings actually work at Google, so they're

Isn't this the story of all mobile devices, to some extent? I have an iPad, which is sleek, thin, etc., but it's ALWAYS in a damned leather case. It has to be, because it would get destroyed otherwise, and taking it in and out of the case is not only a hassle, but would eventually break the case.

@Eggyhead85: Agree with DirtyDogg, but more to the point, Nintendo's epic bulk sales aside, they actually make a profit on their hardware. This is the advantage of no pioneering the latest and greatest. Consumers don't seem to mind.

3D, as the 3DS is doing it, is fun. In general, though, the industry seems to be pretending that eye strain, headaches, and motion sickness don't exist. They do. Roughly 1 in 2 people I talk to about this can barely deal with half an hour of 3D. They'll put up with the movies, but in their homes? Get out of here.

In general, the video game industry needs to refocus. I'm just not sold on the idea that consumers need so much newness. People still love their NES for and Pacman. Nintendo nailed it in this regard. Microsoft and Sony seem to think people want some "living room experience" from them, or to control games with their

I think the latency issue is a far bigger problem. I get that they needed to control costs, but it sounds like the thing basically doesn't work because it's such a drag on the xbox 360 processor. At which point, latency-free games will have to look worse, at which point you end up with a Wii.