
the republicans are not doing the science, and theres plenty of scientific opposition to man made global warming that i have seen in the press. if you havent (and given your obvious hatred for republicans), i wont accuse you of getting all your news from the daily show, but i doubt youre exposing yourself to a full

of course we shouldnt leave scientific discovery to non-scientists, and i said nothing of the sort. i merely provided evidence that scientific consensus is not even close to infallible.

venus atmosphere is about 95% co2. ours is like 0.04% co2. they are not comparable. the similarity in the two planets temperature fluctuations only possible cause is the sun.

your rebuttal completely glosses over that nearly ALL scientists agreed that e=mc^2 was impossible, and that nearly ALL scientists agreed at one point that the earth was flat, and that the sun orbited about the earth.

we are not talking about base temperature, we are talking about temperature variation. its a given that venus is already hot, but its getting hotter at a similar rate to earth and mars at the same time. venus atmosphere is not creating the heat, just trapping it, same as earth and mars atmospheres. thus, if all three

i said temperature VARIATION, not just plain old temperature. yes, venus is hotter than earth, in no small part because it has a very heat-trapping atmosphere. BUT, that atmosphere does not CREATE the heat, it TRAPS it. therefore, for venus to get hotter than it already was at the same rate and time as earth is

is this you taking up the position that D science student al gore, inventor of the internet, knows what he is talking about?

there is only one common denominator between earth, mars, and venus weather: the sun. if the three planets see similar temperature variations, the sun is the only possible explanation.

there is only one common denominator between earth, mars, and venus weather: the sun. if the three planets see similar temperature variations, the sun is the only possible explanation.

"And maybe punctuate it with your middle finger."

i have read studies done by real scientists on the impact of the sun in comparison to the impact of manmade co2, and they are the primary reason i am a skeptic. the studies are not suppressed, they are easy to find and read. people with a vested interest in global warming being man made simply ignore them, mostly for

that's the fun part!

an ignorant asshole calling other people ignorant assholes? well, i guess thats par for the course.

if he was satoshi, he wouldnt have said "and even if i was i wouldnt tell you" he would leave it at "im not satoshi." unless hes kinda dumb, which seems unlikely...

the whole world used to have the same problems just 100 years ago. the problems HAVE been solved, the solutions just have not been implemented in the third world for other reasons. on sustainability, though it is more expensive than we would like it to be, we can make ocean water drinkable pretty easily. so, again,

oh i know, i was responding to cartman.

that assumes we are actually trashing the planet by using water, which we arent. water is the ultimate reusable resource- it really isnt possible to spoil it without irradiating it in a nuclear meltdown. we can use it, clean it, and reuse it pretty much infinitely, and we do.

the reason 40% of the world doesnt have water is not because we use it wastefully, its because those populations have bigger problems preventing their economies from modernizing. we can waste or conserve as much as we want and it would change nothing for those 40%. furthermore, water is the ultimate recyclable

haters gonna hate.

nothing is infinite of course, but for the purposes of human survival earths resources will last plenty long enough for us to start using the asteroid belt for resources, which will easily last for millions of years. but maybe i shouldnt tell you that, it might encourage you to pass on your defective genes.