
huh? the only way my kind will die off is if a meteor kills us all. even if global warming was real, and my kind was actually responsible for causing it and preventing its solutions, we still wouldnt die. we love life and liberty too much to die. you love neither, and youve chosen to be the end of your genetic line.

i would ridicule you, but im genuinely thankful your kind is committing self-genocide.

my insult was not pointless, it was a direct response to your ridiculous insult.

you are incorrect, it has not been debunked, because it cannot be. practically all animal life exchanges oxygen for co2 (and all plant life co2 for oxygen), and humans, despite our very visible impact on this world, are dwarfed by the abundance of life on it. the oceans house the vast majority of life on earth, and

i didnt ignore it, my entire post assumed your information was correct. my mention of 4000 years was a worst case scenario, addressing only error correction.

all ice has relatively the same depreciation of co2 accuracy over time. notice: the average is 8 years within the past 150 years of ice formation, then climbs as the ice gets older. that is because the co2 spreads out in the ice over time. no matter what ice you test, since co2 levels can vary wildly within just a few

more pointless insults? you are a true master of debate.

A global warming nut calling me blind? funny. did you miss it when the original hockey stick graph was proven a lie? did you miss when those cru emails got leaked and revealed scientists were intentionally blacklisting researchers disproving global warming even though they admitted to each other the research was

the planet is not warmer, sea levels have not risen, the ice caps have not disappeared, hurricanes and other natural disasters have not increased. on the contrary, the planet is cooler, sea levels are unchanged, the ice caps have begun to grow, and we have had record low amounts of storms. literal global warming

fair enough, if you do not believe in global warming then i have misjudged you. but then why you would defend bill nye for espousing global warming, i have no idea. i was not talking about just this video, i was talking about bill nye. maybe calling him a disgrace to science wasnt clear enough.

your resorting to petty insults indicates to me that you have conceded the point- statistics built on bad data does not good science make.

spin? sure.

since global warming isnt actually occurring, the only reason to pretend it does is if you want the 'solutions' to global warming to occur. ive yet to meet a global warming alarmist that doesnt want the government to solve global warming by taxing the rich.

preponderance of data my ass. first of all, the amount of data has nothing to do with the validity of that data. to believe in global warming, you must ignore valid data that disproves it.

i agree, i shouldnt be falling for this global warming line. bill nye totally trolled me.

im talking about him selling socialism with a lie.

you dont see a problem with changing worldwide economic policy, causing decreased wealth and increased poverty, for a guess without certainty?

everyone has an agenda, theres no escaping that. the real question is who is lying to accommodate theirs. global warming is a farce, and any intellectually honest scientist ought to know that.

bill nye is a disgrace to science. he's up there pretending to know science, and yet he's just guessing at things like a religious nut. global warming is backwards science: making the data fit to what you want to be true.

Patriot act does not allow warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, it provides streamlined warranting to pursue American citizens suspected of terrorist ties. The Patriot act is pretty much just the old 1970s RICO laws with 'mobster' swapped out for 'terrorist'. Basically, all you need for a warrant to wiretap