
yasser arafat was allied with the nazis, and so was the "ex mufti" of british palestine. the british owned palestine at the time, but the people of palestine were nazi supporters.

news flash, THEIR ENEMIES ALREADY WANT TO KILL EVERYTHING IN ISRAEL, AND HAVE SAID SO PUBLICLY IN TELEVISED SPEECHES. palestine IS a front for iran, seeing as iran supplies palestinian terrorists with weapons. the only reason israel doesnt take that land, and kill every last palestinian is because they are NICE. much

the reduction in terrorist attacks has been because of israels aggressive tactics, so why would they stop? israel is at war with the entire islamic world, palestine is just a front for iran, lebanon and syria to attack israel indirectly. war can be a condition of hostility, and a formal declaration doesnt really need

i pointed out that the jews are not indiscriminately suicide bombing, and you said they acted like terrorists when they were fighting the nazis. that was a very different situation than the palestinians fighting israel. you also compared israels modern behavior to naziism, which is utterly absurd considering that

the jews are being wiped from the face of the planet, and arent allowed to fight back? you are a fruitcake.

so the life of a child rapist has the same value as his victim? you have a very skewed value for life, sir.

no, saying "I think they usually aim for the civilians..." makes you a troll.

your understanding of history is flawed.

so what youre saying is you care as much about my opinion as obama does about the american peoples? clever!

who do i tweet to tell gizmodo that i dont give a flying turd what obama wants me to do?

exit polls are ALWAYS slanted in favor of the democrats because republicans hate journalists. they are perceived to be propagandists for the left, and republicans are thus more likely to refuse to speak with them. in a close race, like ohio in 2004, that difference can be enough to create an incorrect assumption among

oh dear. gizmodo, really? take off the tinfoil hat.

algorithms are certainly part of nature, considering thats how genetics work. apply the wrong algorithm genes to the eye gene of a fly, and the fly ends up covered in eyes instead of hair. we are more like robots than most people think... or perhaps robots are more like us than most people think. anyway, i dont

if the rich paid a little more, theyd make a little fewer jobs. not that complicated. tax the rich more and they might decide to save money by doing their own laundry or cooking their own food, meaning that maid and cook lose their job.

time travel is a term that only makes sense in one direction: backwards. time travel to the future is merely time dilation, or time moving slower with respect to relativity, thus is not "time travel" but just plain old "time." this science does not disprove time travel at all (though time travel is still completely

oh, im not defending what the newsies did... but, im no fan of anonymous either. where do they get off judging rupert murdock when they defend julian assange for doing far worse? oh, because he oversaw the betrayal of soldiers its ok? classy.

hackers making a jab at a guy whose -employees- hacked? i smell hypocrisy.

you cant see a single galaxy with the naked eye, as far as i know. they are WAY too far away. all we can see are relatively close stars, and the ephemeral glow of our own milky way.

perhaps i am stupid, but at least i didnt spend all my money to buy an island just to beg other people for money to build a cottage on it for zero return on the investment, haha.

i am an artist, and i think this is stupid.