
@David Hildreth: they shut down major credit corporations websites, preventing people from logging into their accounts and changing their settings, which aside from the damage to that corporation could cause average people serious harm.

@David Hildreth: ddos attacks are illegal and do real damage to real people, they are not "speech."

@draven301: most european nations have treaties with the us that we treat espionage against our allies in benefit to our enemies as treason. for instance, if an american soldier gives australian secret data to iran, he is committing treason against america by american law.

@Ko0lHaNDLuKe: as an american, id love to see assange executed for treason (though, it would have to be treason towards whatever nation hes a citizen of, im sure its a us ally). i happen to think death is an appropriate punishment for being an enemy of my nation. because you europeans are so afraid of killing your

@Nathan V: seems to me allen doesnt care about the truth, he just likes hating the united states.

people doing this are spoiled, ignorant children. they yell "freedom of speech!" then ddos corporations that exercise their freedom of speech. yeah, youre all for freedom of speech, right up until someone says something you dont like. hypocrites.

@Tim Gee: criminal charges arent about recouping money.

@Nitesh: leaving your electronics in the sun is not the best idea ever, haha. now, if you can derive power from kinetics and body heat, then youve got something.

@leptonette: so, because anything mightve happened, we should ignore what did happen. thats possibly the silliest logical standard ive ever heard.

@SteveJobsSexLife: gladly. japanese people: we wouldve killed a lot more of one another had we not nuked you.

@redman042: well, his ideas were never really seriously pursued, since his idea that it was a morally better weapon didnt fly with most people. as far as i know, its still considered remotely possible, but no one is going to spend the money necessary to find out.

@jepzilla: as far as i remember the idea was to use specific fissile materials that when they reacted would give the desired result... but of course obviously none of this was ever demonstrated to be actually possible.

@das7002: well said. among the most powerful in the world, academic success is actually very rare.

@SteveJobsSexLife: nukes are the most peaceful weapons ever created- they stopped the greatest militaries in history from massacring each other. instead we got a 'cold war' where basically nothing happened.

@thechansen: a neutron bomb would kill in milliseconds, not minutes. itd be no more torturous than any other nuclear weapon.

@Celtic1888: you dont think it would be morally better to not have as terrible radioactive fallout if we ever got into a large scale nuclear war we didnt start?

@WestwoodDenizen: who is anyone to call anyone anything? he is a dude who happens to know frued was just making stuff up, and never did any actual science. why shouldnt he say it?

@redman042: nah, the idea was to dial in which radiation you emit (mostly) so exactly that you could choose low halflife bands which could let you move through a day later without significant radiation exposure. and, 10000 years is a bit of an exaggeration anyway, people live in hiroshima and nagasaki today without

@AT203: 100% agree.