
@Morgan Carpenter: actually, even if i do know im wrong, you still cant. however, i know im right. my interest in arguing is because you are a jerk (as proven by the first post you made, a completely unnecessary insult regardless of its correctness or incorrectness), and its my policy to mess with jerks.

@Morgan Carpenter: actually, by the very definition of knowledge, you cant possibly know anything in this case. even if you were right, you couldnt possibly know. only i have the knowledge, and since you refuse to believe me, you are left with nothing to gain no matter how much you try. that, my friend, is the beauty.

@MayorBloomberg: just generally trying to express my disdain for your reply.

@Morgan Carpenter: actually, the benefit for both of us is simple stubborn pride, as we are both anonymous entities on the internet. i have both reason to defend myself if i am being honest or if i am lying, and you have reason to attack me so long as i defend myself. given that, its absolutely pointless for you to

@MayorBloomberg: you said i misread your post, i said i didnt misread your post. you said it wasnt clear why i continued to argue as i was so obviously wrong, and i asked why you care to even try to convince me of that. you said i should let it go, so i said you should let it go.

@MayorBloomberg: what i said was pretty clear, i dont feel the need to repeat myself just because you pretended to not understand it.

@Morgan Carpenter: actually, i can know whos right or wrong, because this discussion is about what i originally said. you, on the other hand, who doesnt know me, have no possible way to know anything here. so, that statement cant possibly be a description of me. keep trying the turn-it-around game, though, it

@PaddyDugan: i didnt apologize for calling you an idiot, i apologized for being blunt. ultimately, i was apologizing not for what i said, but for your feelings being hurt by it.

@MayorBloomberg: i misread nothing, i simply said what i wanted to say. why are you determined to demonstrate to me that i never should have said it? why must it be me to let it go, why dont you?

@Morgan Carpenter: why would i admit being wrong when i wasnt? and who but the most immature of people is THIS determined to tell someone theyre wrong when they truly have no way of knowing, and most absolutely no way of proving it?

@PaddyDugan: sure, theres plenty of blame to spread around, but if you dont see that democrats are a far far greater danger to the freedom that built this country, then it sounds to me like youre the one falling for the propaganda. my anger with socialists is not because i dont understand them, but because i

@Morgan Carpenter: there you go, much less cowardly. i knew you could do it.

@MayorBloomberg: "would have been use WELL" i dont think my concept is far flung.

@MayorBloomberg: "It's really not even clear how this WOULD HAVE BEEN USED WELL in non-gaming computing..."

@PaddyDugan: thats not a contradiction, thats an exaggeration to make a point. the tea party is not fueled by mistaken emotion, but by appropriate emotion. we are mad that our money, and the value of our work, is being stolen from us for nothing in return. thats emotion based on logic. the finger was pointed long

@Jonathan Rose: thats nice to say, but untrue. his comments are trite anger- unworthy of taking seriously.