
@stre: yeah, i guess youd only need to lean as it accelerates (or decelerates). i really wonder what that would feel like... i never get motion sickness, but i know that if you easily get motion sickness you arent qualified to be an astronaut, so i assume the people they test these things on are the same... and they

@nick.seaman: sure, but every computer company in the world will come up with their own solution, so im sure kinect wont be the only player in the game.

@PaddyDugan: printing money will CAUSE great depression 2. the more money represents the same (or lessening) production, the less each dollar is worth. that is how monetizing the debt lessens the debt, by forcibly devaluing the same debt. now, that may sound like a good idea, but it devalues your and my bank accounts,

@MayorBloomberg: you asked about speculative fiction, i speculated.

@Elizabth_Bennet: may was the daughter of a supermodel who was consistently drawn as the hottest chick in the history of ever... so i would say if may wasnt super hot, thatd be kinda weird.

@angizzle: eh, i can overlook it. comics back then were sold primarily to 13 year old boys- cute was a good marketing term to them. besides, calling a 16 year old girl cute is better than calling her smokin' hot, even though the meaning is functionally identical.

@MayorBloomberg: "It's really not even clear how this WOULD HAVE BEEN USED WELL in non-gaming computing..." my list was how i thought it COULD have been used well.

@symbology: nah, its not gravity at all, so itd still work... youd just have to stand, sit and walk at a 10° spinward angle, haha.

@PaddyDugan: touche, my fault for not being specific enough. but, bush's debt (including the wars and tarp) is small potatoes compared to obamas spending (which was my point, if poorly made)- []

@RubiksCube: fair enough, but if americas dollar destabilizes it would be useless in controlling chinas currency.

@Molemann: the congo is not in the middle-east, and does not have a history of supporting islamic terrorism.

@MayorBloomberg: i made very clear that i was speculating when i started my first comment with "i can imagine..." to point out now that i was speculating as though it invalidates what ive said is a bit silly.

@PaddyDugan: its entirely possible to be against preemptive wars as a conservative, and there are many who are. i disagree, but can completely understand the argument that these wars are not a good investment, however the cost of them is not actually debilitating to this nation. but, if you are going to complain about

@Gary_7vn: the facts you mentioned there do not automatically make your conclusions correct. in fact, i can make a case for my viewpoint based on all the same stuff.

@Morgan Carpenter: theres no argument? sorry, i didnt realize weve actually been agreeing this whole time. you have a funny way of agreeing though.

@RubiksCube: china, but who cares? so long as china believes we are good for the debt, then its not a problem. bushs spending on the iraq war was not an over-reaching debt, and our economy was still strong when those debts were taken on. in contrast, obamas debt, which is 5 times the size of the iraq war debt, is

@PaddyDugan: i am conservative, know many conservatives, and none of us are remotely the way that guy thinks we are. his assumptions on our motivations and beliefs are prejudices, not reality.

@RubiksCube: money doesnt die, its circulated. when the united states spends money perpetrating a war, the money is not flushed down the toilet. it is paid to weapons manufacturers, fuel companies, and the soldiers themselves. the employees of those companies and the soldiers dont flush that money down the toilet,

@Gary_7vn: your opinions are of no value to me, why should i get them into my head?