
@Gary_7vn: as many as we can. our ratio in iraq is pretty good- most of the civilian deaths have been caused intentionally by our enemy. but just to mock your ratio argument, it is ok to kill a million bad guys to save one innocent.

@MayorBloomberg: you said "It's really not even clear how this would have been used well in non-gaming computing (or how well it will even be used in gaming)" which was a speculation on possibilities.

@Non-Engineer: i supported the war, still do, and never gave a crap about wmds. i support any war into any place where people are as mistreated by their government as iraq was by saddam, and think its unfortunate thats impossible to actually do. many conservatives are like me.

@alric: its is cowardly to not assign blame for tragedy on the killer, but instead on the party trying to end the killing. that cowardice is a disgrace for humanity.

@Gary_7vn: in the dozen posts ive seen of yours, ive counted more than one typo, therefore you are worthy only of being ignored.

@Gary_7vn: we invaded iraq to create a middle east democracy to act as a fulcrum for change in that part of the world. as iraq experiences freedom, politically and more importantly economically, their country will experience prosperity unlike any other muslim nation. citizens of other muslim nations will see a nation

@IceMetalPunk: so, germany and japan arent peaceful?

@Ayleron: but none of them as easy to justify invading with international law. iraq had started a war a decade earlier, and was still not complying with un mandates under threat of war. iraq was not the only and perhaps not the best target, but it was the easiest.

@PaddyDugan: thatd be a very lopsided graph. 90% of the iraqis in orange on this graph where killed by the iraqis in grey, and saddams graph is all orange and well over twice this graphs size.

@Gary_7vn: speak for yourself, asshat. your assumptions are born of your own prejudices, not ours.

@IceMetalPunk: the vast majority of the civilian deaths were caused intentionally by the enemy, and yet people like you blame it on us. you suffer from an inability to correctly place blame.

@Gary_7vn: i read a long time ago that saddam killed 21 iraqi people for every day he was in power, and he was in power for 20 years or so, i think. do the math. he once killed 15000 kurds in one night with chemical weapons.

@MayorBloomberg: you are really stubborn, dude. is it really that hard to imagine that the technology to see what your arms and fingers are doing from 10 feet away might be able to see what your eyes and lips are doing from 2 feet away? its not magic, its OBVIOUS. the kinect wasnt made with magic, and anything apple

@PaddyDugan: i dont think this artist is smart enough to have thoughts that complex. mostly, i imagine he thinks about how pretty butterflies are.

@LinkTheLove: a guy who thought music made a difference, also thinks photoshopping makes a difference... i guess that makes sense.

@XerxesQados: who would be jealous of an idea as dumb as editing weapons out of photos with the notion it makes any sort of difference?

@Tommie_Kev: wha? his idea is moronic. we wont eliminate war by pretending weapons dont exist.

@Richard Servello: are you saying all the worlds weapons should be covered in underage porn?