
@JoelR: as compared to i am 6'1". this isnt an opinion, the metric system takes a lot more words to communicate.

@krisve: one (1) eigh (2) ty (3) five (4). six (1) one (2). still twice as many syllables, see what i mean?

@redman042: again, many of us disagree. we dont think of the president as some visionary messiah, we think of the president ought to be a down to earth, common sense person.

@Protocol X: the deficit as a percentage of gdp was within historical norms, no big deal. same goes for the debt. the economy expanded more than any other 8 year term in our history, tax revenue and spending merely matched that.

@redman042: in my opinion, and in many conservatives opinions, he has loads of charisma. i love the guy.

@jfong91001: if men capable of getting themselves elected to the most powerful position on earth are fools, what does that make you?

@Z_Naught: the president has certain rights, constitutionally, to break constitutional law. particularly during war. but, all things considered, bush did not transgress against the constitution in any meaningful way at any point in his presidency.

@acidrain69: because hes a badass, and the stuff you think he did wrong, he actually did right.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: there was nothing he could do to avoid looking like an idiot in the publics eyes- he is a republican, and gullible people like you fall for the lies the liberal media tells them.

@Scarred4life: a no party system wont work because people arent all honest. whether you think its the democrats or the republicans that are the corrupt ones (spoiler: its the democrats, mostly), it is inevitable that the corrupt will band together for the sake of power, and lie to get their way. because they are

@Vidit: the imperial system americans use is a legacy from measurements used for hundreds of years before standardization existed, as is time. think about it: our distance measurement is dozen-based, as is time. the correct question is "why didnt the sciency folks invent metric time?"

@dambo29: practical for math, annoying for language. the metric system uses 3 to 4 times as many syllables to communicate the same measurements. some one asks me how tall i am, i say "six foot one" as compared to "a hundred and eighty five centimeters" or "one point eight five meters." see what i mean? the

i am completely unimpressed. the speed is just because its small, and maze mapping is not a mysterious process.

i liked the few episodes i watched... but, theres no scifi- its just a soap opera.

@Morgan Carpenter: we dont really have an audience- you're the only person talking to me, so no one is falling for your lies, either, haha.

@Morgan Carpenter: how exactly did i distract from it, when i then immediately addressed it? you insult me, i insult you, thats how insults work.

@Morgan Carpenter: i would say theres no way youre this dumb, but the facts are inescapable. i am and was well aware that leah is a skywalker, my comment was satirical.

i just came back from a business trip to china, my first, and this does not surprise me. chinese people fall asleep instantaneously, all over the place. seriously, within 3 seconds of a bus rolling away from its stop, the whole bus besides the driver is asleep.

@zegota: see? sarcasm! i knew you could do it. good boy. next you can learn how to use puns!