
@pixelsnader: yep, this camera will be pointless.

this will deliver terrible 3d, as the two focal points are much too close together- only about 1/3 the distance between our own eyes. 3d photography actually works better if you expand the distance between the foci about 25-33%, for a more exaggerated effect.

@xsbs: our genes surviving is our species surviving, you dunderhead. whether we care about others or not is irrelevant. our instinct to believe we are more important is just another survival instinct. we are the most important beings in the universe- TO OURSELVES. if we were wiped out tomorrow, it would matter to US.

@snark_attack: good point. either that or nanomachine bodies.

@Carrick1973: thats of course a competing force, but given time mankind will edge its way towards a better and better future. i think the progress we have made in the past 500 years is indicative of that.

@xsbs: living by an alarm clock is part of eating and fucking. we eat and fuck to SURVIVE. if our species is to survive the death of this planet (by meteor, or comet, or sun nova) then we must advance our civilization and escape earth. if we dont, we will not get to continue eating and fucking.

@xsbs: how exactly are we not part of the natural process of the universe affecting itself? if we terraform mars, how is that NOT the universe causing it to be alive?

@eliavictor: very similar technologies at work, thus learning to terraform mars would automatically include how to terra-preserve earth.

@Carrick1973: every problem greed creates, greed can best solve. as individuals, we just need to invest in technology and companies that make our world better, and the greedy will save the world to get our money.

@LeonJoe: bah! facts are boring.

@alucard1116: it cant. anyone born on mars (or who spent a few decades there) would have a difficult time stepping foot on earth.

@ModernBawhair: nah, with the technology to make mars liveable we could easily keep earth liveable. it would just be rad to have 2 liveable planets, i think.

@MistaWondaBread: alright, ill take you at your word on that. i know plenty about the geneva conventions, they arent that complicated. do you really think that any nation would have signed on to them if the rules were so restrictive that any common mistake could be prosecuted as a war crime?

@MistaWondaBread: i notice you ignored that the journalists "security" brought their kids along. no professional would EVER do that.

@Pzychotix: if thats what you want to believe, i wont stop you. personally, i just dont think you should drive a van with your kids in it right into the line of fire of a united states helicopter to try and help the people its firing at. i dunno, maybe thats just me.

@Pzychotix: first of all, you overestimate the intelligence of terrorists. if they were all that smart, they wouldnt be need to resort to terror in the first place.

@Pzychotix: if they were fired on by united states gunships about 2 minutes ago? no, you shouldnt.

@Valkyrie607: i think you underestimate how much money an asteroid of platinum would be worth. i heard many years ago that there is a single asteroid made of almost pure titanium that is worth 5 times the earths combined gdp. a platinum 'roid would overshadow that by an order of magnitude or two.