
I like the aforementioned “Losing my edge.”

My 2002 E46 consistently got 23 around town and 34 on the highway. Great car.

They’d build it, but also make a derivative cross-over that would outsell all other models.

I love Chicago. Having places where working people have a voice forces consumers to think about issues we didn’t even know existed.

Toss that on the Berwyn spindle!

By “weird” you mean “appropriate”, right?

You’re a great writer, Kristen.

I prefer the V8 in the E39.

Since Lee Iaccoca, the question has always been how to revive Chrysler. Apparently this process is endless.

They still can. It’s called an asset only purchase. Create a new company, transfer the assets, leave liabilities with the old company, and then dissolve the old company so no one can be sued.

What about Ray-Bans with badge deletion?

Has to be.

Passing cars on the right on side streets via a motorcycle is extremely dangerous. He’s lucky he didn’t get creamed.

No. That wagon is damn perfect.

Gorgeous wagon. Nice price every day.

Driving on the shoulder is a good way to pick up nails and sharp objects in motorcycle tires.

He really did over react to this.

