


I drove a 2002 E46 325i up to 178,000 before selling it to Carmax for an E90 335i. It was an excellent car. Other than preventative maintenance (belts, fluids, and suspension bits) the only part that failed was the fuel pump at 120k miles. It was a really good car.


Not in the Honda.

On average, my wife and I each have a car. A Honda Accord and a BMW 335i. We stay at nice hotels, typically by redeeming points. If we fly, its on Southwest. We go to baseball games because they are cheaper than football and fun. I brew my own beer, which I then enjoy drinking and sharing with friends. And that 335i

I truly miss all your Jalopnik Detroit-centered rants, Aaron.

A 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer with the 5.9 V8 will go about 90 mph. Maybe.

Insurance is a legally defined product by companies seeking every possible way to collect as many premiums as possible while denying the maximum number of claims possible. I guarantee they deny this claim.

I am currently refreshing the page of that stunning Miami Blue 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera S shot in front of the Golden Gate Bridge as often as possible for the next 48 hours in order to rectify this automotive atrocity.


Yup, region rat.

I immediately assumed the picture was from Irvine or Costa Mesa.


Sure, free trade hurt a few communities acutely like Youngstown, Pittsburgh, and Detroit. That doesn’t mean its hurt Americans broadly. This isn’t really politics, its just looking at the facts.

I know right? The Ford built Jaguars were the worst of the lot.

The Focus is still going to Mexico. There is literally nothing worth thanking Trump for.

Here! here! Finally some sense.

Ending NAFTA and other trade deals will devastate American workers. Every economist whose looked deals like this has concluded they lower the costs of goods such that its a net positive for Americans. It’s been studied. Trump is wrong. And Clinton is too, to the extent she is pandering on this point.

Supporting Trump must suck and feel very lonely.