
Don't talk such rot!

That's great, but I wanna hold something with buttons on it.

I feel strange about something that's only 3 years old detailing my 34-year life. Isn't 34 years like 10 times the age of the universe itself in internet time?

I guess the Kinect got more attention because it was more different than what people had seen already, but I also feel like the Move had the absolute best, most promising tech of any of the motion control peripherals. Unfortunately I have a 360 and not a PS3, so I'll probably be more likely to just buy a Wii if I

Digital projection, I take it?

Ah the RAZR.....the first phone I ever overpaid for. That brings back bad memories.

3d peep bowling? Sign me up.

Did it though?

It don't mean butt if it ain't got that jut.

I wait til they're half price. Always happens eventually.

I had a friend tell me it was pretty amazing last year, haven't been there myself.

Upside down BJs for everyone! No wait, I meant FROM everyone.

See you down there, Fahey. I'll be the guy with a beard and without a costume.

The plot holes were only there to cover up the bad science...and it worked.

If somebody tries to take your ball, then you just start screeching and swiping at them.

True, it was such a magical place once upon a time. Now all the interesting stuff is in poorly labeled plastic drawers.

I seriously read that as "Video Game Version of Twister Offers Fewer Fisting Opportunities." I probably shouldn't be allowed to even play the video game version.

Every year at Dragon*Con a friend of mine and I talk about dressing up as Chozo statues and hanging out near the hotel elevators.

I HAD ONE OF THESE!! (the computer and the comic book) (no the comic book didn't sell me the computer)