
Writing is important, and I understand that NV follows canon much better, but I just had a lot more fun with FO3, especially with the exploration. I also felt like there were just more moments in the story that I personally found memorable, it didn't seem to have as many filler quests, and I preferred a higher ratio

I've put plenty of time into both and I definitely far prefer Fallout 3. Yeah, there aren't quite as many features, and NV has a much better companion system, but it's just little things like better level design, more interesting missions, far far FAR less bugs, buildings with actual things in them, not having to

989 Studios will make it. And it will SUCK

It would need a Sinistar, an original Star Wars, a moving Afterburner, an R360, environmental Discs of Tron, Galaga '88, every Data East and Konami side-scrolling beat em up, really pretty much every 4-player game ever made, some sort of Street Fighter II setup that was wired to a massive screen, every Williams and


It was Gorf, I was 4, and it was 1981. My dad was attending a convention at a hotel, we were in the game room there, and I ran to put all my money into a vending machine/jukebox, and my mom suggested playing video games instead, probably just to kill more time. She says she didn't remember that happening and I'm

Now playing

Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, Super Pac-Man=real games. Jr. Pac-Man, Baby Pac-Man, Pacland, Pacmania=not real games. Hyper Pacman=not a real game, but hilarious enough to deserve to exist.

Why don't they just run with the Freddy Krueger thing, and just have Mortal Kombat vs. various slasher characters? Sure, it would take a bit of licensing finesse, but surely everyone would make money if it was as good as the newest MK, and no need to tone it down.

Ok, they have more and more users, thus they're getting more and more money.........WHERE IS IT GOING???? If my reception doesn't improve when I move next week (and it has gotten worse and worse where I live now over the last year) then I'm just gonna break my contract. Somebody else can have my bandwidth.

Exactly. They should've called it Windows: Destiny

I haven't played much of the Wii version, but I hated the steering wheel thing, I'd consider getting it if I bought a Wii and that control style was optional

Absolutely. And I agree, not only racing games, but many other series are just the same thing over and over, especially if on a yearly cycle. On top of that, I have a genuine fondness for Double Dash and the arcade Mario Karts

Burnout and Gran Turismo? That's like comparing bowling to a geometry test.

Numbering sequels is so 20th century...

Those are good points, but it's worth considering that $170 might still end up being too much in retrospect if the system doesn't get more games before too long. I paid $200 for a Dreamcast, then it was $150 pretty soon after. That $50 difference didn't turn out to matter that much, I got another one for free before

Wow.....I was thinking about replacing my broken DS Lite with another used one, then picking up a Vita early next year,, I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe if they suddenly sell a bunch of them, lots of games will suddenly be announced? Or maybe it's just dying

That game and Dynamite Cop were amazing, and the only games where I've ever enjoyed "quick-time" events

To each his/her own, but it felt completely wrong to me.

"Tactile"? Does that mean braille or popups?