@freshcelery: Worse than 2 or 1. In my opinion anyway. I wish I could elaborate further, but haven't played it in over 10 years.
@freshcelery: Worse than 2 or 1. In my opinion anyway. I wish I could elaborate further, but haven't played it in over 10 years.
A tie between Twisted Metal 3 and Jet Moto 3
2-d. Yes.
Thanks Tim Rogers, always a pleasure to read your writings. No mention of the friction in Joust though? That's always been my favorite.
Mikami-san Doesn't Have To Make Resident Evil Any More
@gurfinki: You meant that what I said meant more than I said it meant. It did not. I'll spare you the sarcasm and everything else.
@gurfinki: I like what I like. I apologize for mentioning what I like in a comment. It won't happen again.
Excellent. As Rock Band vs Guitar Hero has taught me, taste in track selection can make or break a rhythm game experience. (Before anyone asks, I am firmly in the Harmonix camp)
@Aurailious: I liked it, but wish they had made it a bit longer and given it better bosses/ending
10 hours to beat Shadow Complex?? Maybe to get 100% of the items.
OK, that does it, never getting married
Please oh please let the ending of the game be that a skater hallucinated the whole thing after breaking his neck attempting a trick. "Now that you have done a double reverse 1080 and freed society, you may ascend into heaven"
Thank you for this, even on a day like today, I will now smile until I go to sleep.
More new wave? Yes please
@William Henry Harrison: Indeed. Such a successful sequel that it spawned it's own sequels and practically erased all traces of it's predecessor.
Super Metroid.
Why can't they just take $5 out of Gamestop's $45 profit margin?
Space Duel is a game that I'd highly recommend. If they emulated it right that is....
@fELIXADER: Not yet, but it could happen if I end up coming out of the hospital with prosthetics someday.
I was released the year of the first Star Wars.