I'd put the original SMB over SMB3. And what about Super Metroid? And Grand Theft Auto 3? Goldeneye? Street Fighter 2? Zelda?
I'd put the original SMB over SMB3. And what about Super Metroid? And Grand Theft Auto 3? Goldeneye? Street Fighter 2? Zelda?
I wrote in The Jam. I consider that the most important thing I've done this week.
I hope "more accessible" doesn't equal less scary. Silent Hill is to date the only video game movie that I've enjoyed at all, and it's because it was a decent horror movie and I like horror movies.
@TitillatedOcelot: It would be more like if you had 5 kids a year for 3 years and then you lost one the third year. Mom is secretly relieved.
I think that everyone has figured out by now that the motion control just doesn't work that well, and some of it is that people may be waiting to see if the competing systems do it better. (I personally think that the Move looks the most promising, but I have a 360 and am not really interested in motion control…
@Grievlocke: I want a 2d Castlevania on a console. In fact I want 6 of them. And I want 6 2d Metroids too, also on a console.
OK, just came. Goodnight!
@D3m0n1k_Ang3l: Search for E3 2006
Amazing how the early photos of the Wii clearly showed them in several colors and now..over 3 years later....we have 2 colors.........MAYBE
Oh how I love that painting and love any excuse to see it again
I swear I'll never buy a game that requires the internet. I have friends, I take my console to their house, some of them don't have internet hooked up near the TV. That's all there is to it. Nothing could make me want to turn to piracy (or other games) more.
There is absolutely no way I will ever give M Knight Shamefullybadfilmmaker another chance after The Village.
I will finally get around to all the JRPGs I've skipped over as soon as I hi 100. I'll also finally play Animal Crossing. And I demand to be referred to as a Centurion.
I still really really want Cosmic Smash, but Crazy Taxi will keep me pretty happy for awhile
I actually have no idea whether is a good thing or a bad thing for anyone
@Pyro Jack Frost: @poplin: Because I was drunk and did math wrong (sigh)
48? I'd say they need over 8552 more members....
3DS leak had to have hurt it. Though, I must admit, had a friend who bought an XL specifically because he hates 3d. Don't know what he's smokin....