
Dude, you forgot about PRINCE OF DARKNESS!! That movie always scared the shit out of me, even when it came on TV in the afternoon.

"So there you are, [] game purchasers. A one-eyed tank that's destined to become a dump truck. Enjoy!"

I really don't feel like Nintendo would be that generous with new features. The Wii and the DS were both designed with just barely enough tech to keep the price down and they have been quite profitable, yet I don't see this concept of a 3ds costing less than $300. Also it looks like the speakers are on the control

Honestly, leveling up cars was the last thing I did and I never finished doing it. It seemed like it took too long, since by halfway thru the game I was so much faster and more powerful than a car.

YOU'RE not Alexander!!

So glad I got to watch it all before it was pulled. I bet Lucas wearing a cloak and talking on a videophone had it removed.

@AchromaticMagus: You are thinking of the phantom menace review. The AOTC review has been highly anticipated for months and was just posted. I know because I have been checking. Lots.

@latecustomer: It could begin with you in jail, and be played as a flashback.

Again, can someone make a game where you play as this guy? It would be hilarious, and keeps getting funnier

Aw, don't feel bad. This bound paper journal I got right here doesn't support flash either. It may theoretically have more RAM though.

Now if somebody would just make a game based on this loser's life....

Space Giraffe. It's not for everyone, but I and a lot of other similarly ADD-afflicted types swear by it. Chime is pretty damn great too, though.

Now alls I need is a moving chair! Time to go build one

@Joshua Hupp: @MightyMike235: I understand that inflation has affected the value of money, but the justification for the 50 cents was the "authentic experience" and that simply isn't the case. I have a couple of older arcade games in a local theater and I charge 25 cents.

I am error.

It did not cost 50 cents to play those games when they were new in arcades, period. The only reason that it costs 50 cents to play some of those games now (in the real world) is because those Multicades and Namco retro games cost around $2000 and don't have as many people playing them as they used to. It costs MS

Looks promising, but they'll have to bring a lot to the table to compete w/H2Overdrive. I've already put enough $$ into that game to pay for several XBLA games.

I haven't found a reason to get any of the games so far (trackball games without a trackball=pointless) but Star Wars would be a must-buy as long as it was emulated properly.