I love it. That is all.
I love it. That is all.
I like it so far, but for some reason have been unable to get 3 other people together to play it yet. Splitscreen w/Slayers FTW.
Big fan of Killer Bunnies myself. Monopoly: The Mega Edition has a lot of improvements over regular Monopoly.
@Tiller: It is a good example out of a few good games, but console-wise, there have been 3 times (soon 4) as many 3d as 2d mario games in the last 15 years.
@Slagathorian: I meant total. You can have 2.
I disagree with the idea that the time for a 2-d game has passed. In fact, we are still playing games on 2-d surfaces (monitors/tvs) so really any 3-d games do and should have issues, with the camera, perspective, control, or something else. Plenty of 3d games are good enough that it's easy to ignore said issues, but…
Welcome news, though completely and totally unexpected. (And I'm waiting to see what the catch is. And I mean a worse catch than a 32gb ceiling)
I like the idea of Radical making more games and not being gutted. That's all I have to say really
@Komrade Kayce: I didn't know about that and want one immediately!!
I see the R360 back there. Damn, I wish that I was rich
I really would like this to be arcade only, but I'll settle for console if I have to, just make sure to bring it to the states!!
Perfect Dark, prepare to eat my life once again
I hardly cared about anything else because the combat was so fun. Until I got so powerful that I was basically invincible. Then I bought all the buildings and never played it again. Maybe I'd have changed clothes if it was even remotely necessary. (basically Fable 3 needs to be a lot harder)
@leaverus: ebay. It's not any less HD than the Wii is (though a bit lower in resolution)
None of these thingies control as good as an Atari 2600 paddle anyways...
This is the best news I've heard in forever. I got completely addicted to my friend's copy of this and my DS is still broken
And here I was thinking that video games couldn't make me want to do drugs any more than they already did....
@XeroTrinity: Yeah, I was thinking that a Portal prequel just wouldn't work. Still, they could've just tacked the new content onto the beginning of the second game but I like the weird extra mile they went.
They can insert it in a few years like with Portal 2. Seriously, that was awesome.
This is amazing, I wish Metroid got this kind of creepy viral marketing.